explanation ᪥

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Y/n's POV: once I heard the name of the guests my heart dropped. TREASURE. Haruto. How am I going to explain this. What if he thinks I'm some kind of stalker.

Third POV:
Treasure walks in with big smiles on their faces. They bow and look around a bit. The girls also bowed some of them lowkey freaking out. Y/n slowly lifted her head up looking at the 12 boys in front of her. Suddenly meeting a familiar pair of eyes. Both now in shock they stare at each other until Hyunsuk elbowed haruto whispering to him.
"Ruto, stop staring at her you'll get in trouble. Now sit down"
Haruto quickly looks away and then sits down with the rest.

Haruto's POV:
What is y/n doing here ?
Why is she with them?
Why didn't she tell me?
I have so many questions right now I can't process everything properly.

The main producer (I'm calling YG that because that's what they called him in ygtb) called out getting everyones attention.
"Okay everyone these are all of the new trainees for the new girl group."
I'm shocked and excited? I mean I'm happy she's a trainee and especially here. I'll get to see her everyday, but I'm shocked that her and I talked everyday after I got her number and she never mentioned anything about becoming a trainee.

Third POV:
The main producer spoke again.
"Since there are 12 girl trainees and 12 treasure members I want to try something different." He started with.
"I will pair you guys up with one member of treasure and then do a duet as your first monthly assignment." He continued
"For now I have a meeting so I want you guys to get to know each other, I'll get going now."
He gets up, everyone bows at him.
Haruto practically ran to y/n.
"I really need an explanation I don't understand."
"Don't worry I'll explain everything." Y/n said.

A/n: I can't believe people are actually reading this book I'm so shocked. I'm so thankful people are enjoying this book and voting for it. I want to make more fanfics for other members so comment which member you want to see a fanfic for ♡︎

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