Here comes the ending of our love story

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Months later....

Y/n POV:
After all these months of dating everything has been pretty well we are happy together and that's all that matters right ? Well that and the fact that I finally made my debut! Not only that but Treasure have made so much progress after winning rookie of the year I couldn't be anymore prouder of my boys and my beautiful boyfriend of course. This ending is like no other we are happy and enjoy our life together, I definitely see a future with him I see myself marrying him and having kids. Many fairytales say that every that is meant to be comes back to your life, so when I see how haruto came back to my life I knew we are meant to be. I'm the happiest I've ever been not only with my debut but with my life completely .

"CUT, thank you y/n that was a great interview"

So that's how the world found out about haruto and I. Crazy huh one thing they don't know is that haruto and I plan on getting engaged as soon as possible after high school well we hope. We really are happy with our life now and we hope it stays that way our love grows everyday and I don't think it will ever fade....

Oh and did I mention we live together?!?!

Yeah well after much convincing we got the company to agree to give us our own dorm I get to see his beautiful face when I wake up and when I go to sleep. It feels like my life is a fairytale and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way I love the way my story turned out. I guess you can say that my fairytale did have a happy ending after all. Well I think it's time for me to go I've enjoyed sharing my trainee journey along with my love life I'm also glad that people accept my story and think it's a beautiful thing so thank you.


A/n: well this book has come to an end ! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my very first story! This has been such an experience that I would love to do again. So please comment on who I should write a story about! Once again thank you ! And bye for now ! <3

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