With respect 𖦹

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Haruto's POV:
Y/n and I were next. I was nervous because we didn't really practice together much. But y/n is super talented and I know she'll pull it off.

Third POV:
Haruto and y/n step on the stage and grab the mic.
The song started to play.

(Song: stay with me- goblin ost)


(Song- hold me tight-BTS )
*chose whichever one you like the most*

While singing they added some choreography while singing which mainly just was moving from side to side or holding hands from time to time. On the last verse of the song haruto turned y/n to him again just like they did that one day in the practice room. They got flashbacks of that moment while they stared into each other's eyes once again. After what felt like the longest moment of their lives which was only a couple of seconds, the main producer slightly yells a "OKAY" they quickly look away from each other, very flustered.
"If I didn't know any better it felt like you guys were singing to each other." The main producer started
"You guys definitely have a strange connection together, almost as if something has happened between you two" he slightly laughed.
"If Im being completely honest you would make a good couple" he laughs looking around the room
"Oh Um thank you sir but you know we aren't allowed" haruto respectfully says.
"Your right i don't know what got to me"
"What do you thing about my opinion y/n" main producer suddenly asks.
"Well Um I respect your opinion but with respect as haruto said we can't date even if we wanted to, and even if we could I would choose not to mainly because haruto has worked so hard to get to where he's at with his career and mine is just starting, I wouldn't want to be the reason something goes wrong" y/n bowed as she finished.
"Seems like you really have a very good mindset. But I don't know maybe in the future I'll have to test out your chemistry more. Anyways thank you guys for the performance it was good, we can take a break now" he says as he exits the room.

Y/n POV:
I slowly tried to make my way out of the room so no one would notice but suddenly I felt someone grab my wrist. I slowly turn knowing who it was.
"Y/n, we need to talk..."

A/n: hey once again! I think I've finally chosen Sunday as my chapter post day! So I hope I can keep up with my own schedule T-T . But anyways I put two songs because I really couldn't pick which one was a better option for the duet but if you don't like the songs please feel free to comment some songs that you would've preferred for the duet and I might change them ! Anyways I hope you've had a great day and I'll talk you you guys next Sunday! Byeeee~

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