Maybe its not destiny..or is it?☏

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Third POV:
Y/n looks at haruto.
"Maybe you knew me before but people change... just like how you changed."
"I haven't changed y/n, and by looking at your eyes I can tell you haven't changed as well."
"You don't know me like you used to, the break up changed both of us."
"It didn't change me I'm still the same guy who fell in love with you,your gorgeous voice,your beauty, Ik the same guy who is still in love with everything about you even after years I still love you y/n."
"Ruto, don't do this, we both know we have a dating ban and can't be together. We need to put our feeling aside and focus on our career."
"I waited for years to talk to you again I can't just put my feelings aside for you... especially you, the person who I've never stopped loving."
"We have to haruto. It's what's best for both of us."
"Sorry haruto but we have to end this conversation here, we need to work on our assignment."

*time skip*
Y/n and haruto decided to work separately after finding the song they were going to use. Y/n practiced her vocals while haruto wrote a rap to match the song. Then later they would put it all together. This was also and excuse for y/n as she didn't want to accidentally tell haruto how she feels about him.

'It's getting really late' y/n thought.
She made her way out of the small practice room to the main dance room.
"Haruto, I'm going home now."
"Do you what me to walk you home?"
"Um no it's okay I'm taking the bus"
"Then let me walk you to your bus"
"Okay I guess"

The whole walk to the bus stop was uncomfortable for both of them as they still felt bad about their little argument. Soon after y/n bus came and they said their goodbyes.
"Bye haruto see your tomorrow"
"Bye y/n be safe"
Y/n slightly smiles and nods.
"You too"
Haruto waves at y/n as she gets on the bus.

"I love you, goodnight my beautiful y/n"

A/n: still have a bit of writer's block but it's okay and I've been so distracted with online classes. It's the final weeks of the school year and I'm not doing good with the online classes :((

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