Chapter 2: the kidnapping

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"That's the plan we do this tonight, we can't afford any more raids it's making us look fucking weak." I yelled as I sat at my desk while my whole teams sits in my office awaiting my orders. We were breaking in to Marks mansion, robing him blind and ending his life it just had to be done, all the shit he's token from me he had to pay. "Do we have everything ready Ben." I ask my right hand man that was sitting in front of me. "Yes the vans ready outside and the bags and guns are loaded in." He said. I nodded grabbing my mask and gun from my desk "let's go" I yelled and started walking towards the door every one following  close behind. We all got into the van and my team got there guns ready I can't wait to make Mark fucking pay for ever messing with my gang.

I was sitting on the couch in the down stairs living room watching tv. I just had finished crying for my 3rd time today I knew I look horrible, I was wearing baby pink soft shorts, a white tank top, and long baby blue socks. Mark has just come home drunk as ever and yelling at me about how I never knew how to please him right and went up to our room and went to sleep. It was about 2 in the morning I was half sleep thinking about the day I would be happy with someone who loved me. I suddenly heard a window break by the front door and gun shots, i got so scared I tried to get up and hide but before I could someone grabbed me by my hair pushing me to the ground. I tried look to see but I was blind folded "sit still and be quiet." The man said in my ear I heard so many people talking and breaking things I almost passed out from fear thinking I was going to die tonight.

We were in the house we already took out all the guards, I'm surprised it was so easy. We were now taking everything we could also finding some things from our warehouse "BOSS I found him" I heard jean a member of my gang yell. I turned to him seeing him dragging Mark down the stairs and slammed him to the floor. As I walked up to him I hear him begging for his life I laughed coldly and said "no use begging I warned you many times not to fuck with me." I said as I kicked him in his gut multiple times making him roll over and spit out blood after awhile I got tired of him begging and decided it was about time to end this. I pulled out my gun as I screwed a silencer on I bent down to him grabbing him by his collar "I hope you were prepared to die today" I said in a quite voice "please don't kill me I-" I cut him off by putting my gun to his head and pulling the trigger.

I heard a lot of steps all around the house I was still blind folded and so scared. I suddenly heard Mark begging for his life in the other room before I heard a faint gun shot and Mark's voice stopped "Ahhh" I screamed out and instantly covered my mouth. The house went quite after a few seconds I heard footsteps walking out of the other room and walking towards me. I stared to breath very heavily I knew I couldn't run or I would probably get killed the footsteps cane closer and closer and I could hear they stopped in front of me. I silently prayed thinking today's the day I'd loose my life.

As I pulled the trigger I heard a scream come from the next room the house grew silent. I turned to Cial another one of my gang "who else is in here" I said through gritted teeth he suddenly look terrified answering "w-well there was this b-boy laying on the co-" I cut him off "SHUT UP" I yelled at him leaving the room heading to where I heard the scream come from. As I entered the room I saw the smallest boy I've ever seen he was on the floor with his knees to his chest hugging them. He was wearing pastel colors he had short chocolate brown curls on his head, his skin looked so soft I could only see his lips soft, pink, plump lips. He was beautiful I slowly walked up to him getting down on one knees in front of his small frame. I put my finger under his head lifting his head slightly he jumped when I did this "P-p-please don't h-hurt me I'll do a-anythig." I hear him stutter out sounding scared as ever and I hated it, he just looked so innocent. I put my lips to his ear "what's your name" I whisper in his ear he hesitated Before stuttering out "E-e-eren" his voice was soft like his skin he smelt of strawberry and vanilla it drove me crazy. Just then I hear Cial come into the room as I stand up I tell him "put him in the van" I said to him I guess this make Eren terrified because he stared crying then suddenly went limp and fell to the floor. Well at least I didn't have to worry about him fighting back, we got everything in the van and I got in I sat the small boy in my lap looking down at him. He was absolutely precious I haven't even seen his eyes yet but I knew I'd get lost in them he would make my perfect little pet.

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