Chapter 7: new friend

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"What time boss" Cial said from the other side of my desk "1 am, we get in and out in under 20 minutes" tonight was the night we were carrying out this raid we've been planning for a while. I didn't want to leave my sweetheart but I felt like I was getting to attached I mean it was good because I felt like he really liked me but I've been hurt before. "Ok, we'll be ready" he said walking out, I had to tell Eren I would not be with him tonight I knew he would want to ask questions which I hated. I went up stairs to me and Eren's room he was laying down on his phone, when he saw me he jumped up and hugged me "I missed you daddy" he said with a smile on his face "hey baby" I said as I kissed him. "Come sit with me I have to talk to you" I said leading him to the bed "what is it sir" "well I'm not going to be here tonight I have something to take care of" I said "where are you going, can I come with you?" He said looking sadly at me "no baby, you can't" I said holding his cheek "b-but da-" what did I say about talking back Eren" I said in a stern voice "ok I'm sorry sir" he said looking down. "It's ok baby boy" I said as I kissed his lips.

I was sad Levi wasn't going to be here tonight, I was scared I didn't know anybody in the house plus the men scared me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone call me name I turned around and it was a handsome man walking up to me not as handsome as Levi of course. "Hi I'm Ben, Levi asked me to look after you while he's gon tonight" he said grabbing my hand shaking it "o-ok" I said looking down shyly "you don't have to be scared Eren, I won't hurt you I'm kinda Levi's best friend but he'd never say it" he said smiling at me making me feel a little better "oh, thank you I was kinda scared that he was leaving me tonight" I said. "Well you won't be lonely my boyfriend is coming over and I think you'd really like him" he said nicely smiling at me "w-what's he's name" I asked curiously "everyone just calls him Cal" "o-ok" I said kinda happy about that. "Wow you precious, no wonder Levi would likes you" he said laughing, I just shyly looked down. It was about 12 I was in me and Levi's room when I heard a knock, I got up to open it and it was Ben and a was shorter boy standing behind him shyly "yea I wanted you to meet Cal, my only love" he said as he pulled Cal from behind him "h-hi" he said shyly while staring at his feet. "Hi I'm Eren" I said smiling "I hope you two will get along" Ben said, Cal was wearing a red tennis skirt with a black top and black vans "I think we will" I said. "And Levi wants you to meet him in his office" "ok" I said and thanked him making my way downstairs to Levi's office, I knocked at the door waiting for him to say come in "one second" I heard Levi call from the other side. About two minutes later the door opened I saw a bunch of men sitting on the other side of Levi's office "hey princess" Levi smiled pulling me in kissing my forehead "everyone out" he said to the men and they all got up and left as Levi closed the door. He sat on the couch in his office pulling me into his lap "you wanted to see me sir" I whispered "yes, I'm very sure that Ben will take care of you and Cal tonight while I'm gone so you don't have to be scared at all" he said in a calming voice. "Ok daddy I think me and Cal are going to like each other, he seems really nice" I said smiling "I knew you would like him baby" he said kissing my lips, it started out as a slow kiss the. It got heated as Levi licked my bottom lip asked for entrance then took over the kiss, I could feel his boner against my let my so I slide my hand down his stomach then started to get unbuckle his belt. "Babe it's late, you should get some rest" he said pushing my hands away and buckled his belt back "but daddyyy" I said kissing his neck, he moaned but stopped me again "I said no princess, go take a shower and get to know Cal ok" he said as he stood me up and gave me a long sweet kiss. "Ok daddy" I said sadly walking out of his room and up the stairs into our room heading tithe bathroom.

Eren seemed really nice and sweet which was a good thing because I didn't really like coming her because all of the other men scared me. I was sitting on the bed in Levi's room Ben said I should sleep in her with Eren, Eren came out the bathroom with a towel rapped around him "I can get out for you to change if you want" I said getting off the bed "no it's alright I go back in the bathroom and change" he said going over to get his clothes. I got back on the bed and just got on my phone, Eren came out when he was done getting dressed and he looked affordable "omg you look so cute" I practically screamed. He had on red tight shorts and a black long sleeve crop top with knee high socks "haha thank you" he said blushing as he got in the bed beside me, just then Ben cane running in the door "is everything ok I heard a scream" he said out of breath. "Yes everything's ok daddy" I said smiling "oh good ok" he walked over to my side of the bed and kissed me gently "I'll see both of you in the morning ok, just yell if you need me" "ok" we both said as he closed the door. "So how do you like it here Eren" I said as I turned to him "well I don't know I really like Levi not the other men in here scare me" "me too that's why I usually stay close by Ben" he said. "How did you and Levi meet" he asked curiously "well he kinda kidnapped me from the man that owned me, after he killed him" I said looking away "what!! Do you not hate him for that?" He asked "then man would abuse me and take advantage of me and Levi treats me like a princess". "Wow I heard he was really cruel" he said in disbelief  "I thought so to but he's really sweet to me but I can tell he's strict" I replied "I'm happy for you that you got out of that bad situation" he smiled. "Thank you, well talk more in the morning ok I'm really tired" "ok goodnight Eren" he said turning around "goodnight Cal" I fell asleep soon after.

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