Advancing and progressing... CH - 08

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(3rd person POV)

Past month was one of the very busy month Draco ever spent. As the new dark lord, he had many things which are needed his immediate attention to solve.

Beside corrupted dark wizard traditions and light wizards tradition there were some other things like wizard teachings, blood rituals, Wizarding law and punishment system, international wizard cooperation, and most especially out graded wizarding technology. When it came to wizarding technology he sometimes had to personally study regulerly upgrading muggle technology and make plans to how to add them to wizarding world not corrupting its traditions.

Most bothersome matter was that the Pureblood wizards are against them and how to make them willingly accept the syncing technology system with muggles. Sure enough in the wizarding world there are some outstanding talents about learning and developing technologies, however ignored due to wizards thinking they are less talented or incompetent in Wizarding means.

For the sake of both muggle and wizard worlds, well practically one world, they must be founded and sharpen their talents.

That's what Draco planed along with Luna and her followers since his own followers were busy with present educational curriculum. Hermione being there to help them to organise and find information about muggle technology was a huge relief which they are grateful to her no end.

They spent three weeks on the plans which are sometimes helped by Draco's dad due to his guilty and wanting to help his son to achieve the power he couldn't achieve even though he is a respectable member of wizengamort. Lucius, as a one of the member of the governing body of Hogwarts, took their plans about the new curriculum or should I say past curriculum to governors.

Lucius sometimes told Draco the good news about the progress of the plans or changing of the plan due to current situation of their world. However he certainly told him that the governing body is furious about ignorance of Dumbledore of the current curriculum.

There was only two months remained to start the new year of school. After spending three weeks on the plans, Draco decided to meditate since he remembering his past self. So he spent a week on meditating nonstop. One thing he realised was his current body is too weak to breakthrough the soul level. Good thing he was in the Epically level when he started to meditate due to him being the dark lord and such. So in a week he was able to break into soul level and stuck in the Peak of the level unable to breakthrough to legendary level. He knows if by chance he is able to upgrade into legendary level, he will most likely will be able to withstand Voldermote's killing curse.

Sure enough his void element being imprinted on his soul since the beginning, even with the weak body like human body he could reach near the legendary level.

When he broke into the soul level, it was the majestic sight to see for his parents who came to check on him due to him not came for the meals nor asking any elves to bring the meals to him for a week.

In front of his parents' eyes his body glowed brightly in gold shines and he started to float in the air unconsciously while the whole manner started to tremble. When glowing light subdued they could see their son who has sharpen facial features like a God.

Being concerned parents they are, they asked what happens and such, yet only received reassurance from their son saying about that his powers enchanted. Well he didn't lie, did he?

Moreover he advanced in his elemental power and progressed on his further plans!


At the Apex....

While that happens on the wizarding world, there were also couple of magnificent views could be seen on the Apex.

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