Unexpected Guests..... CH - 16

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(Adrian's POV)

I was shaken back to the reality by Ced's shout and the sound of him disappearing from the sight which led  I and Draco also teleported back to our current whereabouts.

When we reached the manor, we were met by confusing image of two men fuss over our fainted Hades. One with sandy hair and blue eyes and the other one had shoulder long black curly hair with Strome grey eyes. At first I couldn't recognise them. However when it tick in my mind who they are I couldn't help but give each a warm hug momently startle them.
"Uncle padfoot! Uncle Moony!!"

"Pup Rian!! You're alive!" Uncle Sirius hugged me back while Uncle Remus looked worried at Hade's unconscious figure which too led me looked at my brother or.... love?! Argh so confusing! He is my brother, right.... not. But he is also my soulmate even though he hasn't confirm that yet!

Dray sat beside him ignoring Moony and padfoot's questioning which he left for me to answer! Dray muttered under his breath about frantic Wolf or something.

"How come you're here padfoot, Moony?" I asked turning their attention back to me while Ced was consulting with Fairy Evans - Hade's Fairy familiar.
"There was this house elf at our doorstep who called us his name was Dobby and then in a second we were in this manor which we couldn't leave. Now tell me what happened to our pup?" Uncle Sirius asked and looked at tearful uncle Remus.

"I don't know exactly! I only know he was already was hurt when his resurrection which I also can feel! Let me ask Cedric! By the way it's great to see you again! I missed you too!" I said with a soft smile direct at them.

"You remembered us? Then James and Lily?" He asked which sound like he asked himself.

"Alive! They will be here soon! Also daddy will come... don't you guys recovered your memories?" When hearing so they looked relieved and confused at the same time which could be seen when those two sank to their knees like a weight has left their shoulders and looked at me confused as lost puppies! Then their eyes widened remembering who that so called daddy of ours.

I shook my head at them fondly and looked at Cedric's eyes silently asking how Hadrian is. Which received me a exhausted sigh which showed perfectly how mentally exhausted him. So I looked at Evans.

"Young Master is lot weak now. His shattered soul damaged his internal organs when using that divine power! I also can't do anything other than lessen his pain!! If we had his Papa here...." She trailed off shaking her head!

"No! We must heal his internal wounds so he will find a way to mend his soul back to his usable state! Moony, Padfoot can you two cast strong diagnosis spells?" They looked at me hopefully then nodded almost in sync.

They took out their wands and performed two spells under their breaths almost inaudible.
Two pieces of papers appeared almost instantly when Hadrian's body stopped glowing under those spells.

Reading those Moony and padfoot went pale which ultimately led me to interrogate them.
"Some brain damages which can be healed in few days. But there is also some serious damages in his lungs and heart as you know our magical core have direct connection with the heart and lungs!"
But he didn't use magical power!

"Can Thiyan Thiyan heal internal damages?" Cedric asked from where he was sitting beside Hadrian while combing away his shiny white hair. Draco was awfully silent at this point which led me to worry to no end. Then Draco looked at us like something clicked in his mind into right place.

"Thiyan Thiyan is as almost as powerful as the Tree of Life. It's healing properties surpassed the Tree of Life so it can almost cure everything went wrong in his body. However the refining techniques.... only Hadrian and his Papa know them. But as we have a Thiyan Thiyan flower with us we will be able to summon papa." Finally his eyes shone with determination I have never seen on someone. He caressed a ring on his fingers which have the symbol of the Tree of Life. The ring shone and it appeared before him was a majestic sight of a extremely beautiful flower which have mostly every shades of blue colours.

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