Death of a Saviour.... or not? CH - 03

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(3rd person POV)

Harry James Potter as known as the saviour of the wizarding world, was always struggling with his unnecessary fame. If there is something he hates whole heartedly, it was fame. Whenever or wherever he goes he gets this unwanted attention which he is sick of.

He just wanted to be normal, a normal wizard without any attention on him, have a normal school years as every other kids have. Is it so hard to ask that kind of normal life? He is just Harry, like he said before; just Harry!

This unwanted fame already have done so much damages to his life. From the beginning, he had to grow up among muggles with his magic hating abusive muggle family, who dared to abuse his both mentally and physically. Then there were some ridiculous tasks a child never should do, a freak of a mad man chasing him to kill him and all of all most disgusting thing was the grandfather figure of his life professor Dumbledore and his most trusted friend,'s family steal from him and he could take any action against them since not only unwanted Fame and mad man chasing him but also paparazzi and his fans hot on his tail.

That's why he snuck out from Gimanual place. He went to Diagonally for some shopping and there he found out all this ridiculous stealing from Gringotts Bank. It was underestimate if saying he was Furious; what will you say if he destroyed the entire office of his bank manager Griphook with his uncontrolled magic blast waves? Well that's what he did anyway although it was unintentionally.

Whatever happened he knew if he advised them to take action on his behalf, there will be public announcement saying why the great Dumbbell and Weaslies went bankrupt and his name will be in full display as he is the victim dragging an unwanted attention again. That's why he ask his account manager to Limit withdrawal amounts little by little until his further instruction in the future. Of course as the damage recovery fee he paid goblins giving them the Evan's School vault. Making manager griphook shock for the second time he farewell in polite manner.

To justify his actions Harry may said that it was all because of how famous he is, but inside he paid them their cruelty with his kindness.

When it came to the observation Draco, first he thought it was because he is dashing handsome young man. However he came to realise that is more than just crush. The Masks that Malfoy heir wears (yes he knew that Draco always wear an Emotionless mask) was the reason why Harry decided to act clueless till that Mask of his to fall to confess. However time can't be much wrong, can it?

He never got a chance to say what his heart says him to do. Draco didn't drop his mask either. Eventually it came to this fateful day since madman dark lord could see through his eyes and look into his mind easily.

When he decided to pay a visit DoM that's when he realised the possibility of never seeing Draco again. That's the exactly reason why he wrote a confession letter with other letter addressing to Gringotts Bank and handed them over Dobby giving firm instruction to deliver them to Draco, if he can't make it back after 3:00 a.m. Now here he was going through the door of death only leaving his friend and wand behind as his memories.


Unexpected force pushed Sirius away taking his place. That was Harry - Sirius's godson. Harry got hit by the spell and flew towards the door of death making his friends, allies and Enemies not giving a chance to think. His Godfather screamed on top of his lungs seeing his godson's body go through the door and his life and soul separate from him. The wand Harry was clutching in his hand fell in front of the door destroying the eerie silent crowd who witnessed scenes made.

Sirius fell on his knees weakly, tears started to fall from his eyes washing his cheeks. Hermione looked widened eyes at the door, where her best friend disappeared. Her eyes were wet with tears and she was to shock to say a word. Same goes with her friends Luna, Nevil and others, except Ron. Ron on the other hand had some unrecognisable expressions, like mixed of happiness, regret, relief and some others, which shows that he is very pleased with outcome.

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