Sorting & Drama....1 .... CH-19

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(Hadrian's POV)

Understanding the true meaning of the guardian formation, sent a chill through my body till I could feel the magic of Hogwarts. The feeling itself made me sad since I could only feel the weak pulse of magic instead of the lively magic that was supposed to surround the Hogwarts land and beyond. Upon arriving I could also see  how weak the power which barely visible in my eyes.

To others, they can't see the power but I, I can see the power. It was supposed to be dazzling Northern light like waves, however what I saw looked like a barely holding moonlight rays on a cloudy day.

Well, I should come clear with something, right?
Well, the reason Northern lights like power waves exist is to show how powerful the magic is. As you can see, the Earth has magic! So with Northern light we can detect her powers, or how much power she behold. Sadly this world is not that powerful now, since as I can see only way north has the show of Northern light. But in Apex and ancient Earth we can always see the Northern light from anywhere at night. That shows how powerful and healthy those worlds are.

Anyway, back to the reality.

As I discussed with my soulmates I anchored my magical core with that of the Hogwarts magical core successfully creating a bridge between us making us one in sync with each other as long as she needs me to be healthy. That doing so I missed that my two soulmates left us early. So standing still I enjoyed the view of magic density increase ten times faster each second till I can see the Northern lights dazzling around the entire Hogwarts land.

So suddenly I felt so different in my body and my power structure specially in my divine power core which were already was a bottleneck when we reached the kingscross station. But now I feel more powerful and unbearable amount of power surge in me. I immediately knew what that is. I breakthrough the sage level into middle divinity in one go! The additional power surge, which was supposed to alarm the others of my new status, used by me to influence the Hogwarts' power.

Being satisfied with myself I walked with Dray till we reached the main door of the Great hall. He left me there with first years reculently after kissing my forehead sweetly. I wanted to inform him that I became a complete divine being, but I doubt his dramatic tactics will be any less.

So with a roll of my eyes, I waited with first years hearing their nervous chit chattering. Suddenly one of the kids tugged on my robe which gave me a near heart attack.
The kid is a young boy who have bright deep blue eyes and black windswept hair average high for his age with thin form. He kind of reminded me of Terry Boots of rawenclaw.

"Ex.. excuse me sir, do.. do you perhaps know the procedure of sorting?" He nervously asked me which before I respond I knelt to be same hight as him and looked into his eyes.

"First of all child, when you first talk with a stranger, you should introduce yourself. Second of all, yes, I know that!" I said as kindly as possible for his lack of manners. He looked away blushing. Then said sorry.
"Hello sir, My name is William Anderson, heir of noble and ancient household of Anderson. Cousin of Terry Boots of Rawenclaw."

"Well met, Mr.Anderson! I am Hadrian Skyler, Heir of most ancient and noble houses of Prince, Hufflepuff and Pendragon." He looked at me wide eyes. "And the procedure is sorting hat. It reads your mind and evaluate you to the house your traits weights. So after joining a house you will have to master other house traits while maintaining yours, understood?"

"Yes! Thank you sir!" He curtly bowed at me.
"Please call me Skyler or Hadrian!"

"Thank you Hadrian! You may call me Will!" With a nod I stood up just before professor McGonagall opened up the main door. Upon seeing me she looked shocked which she hid immediately. I gave her a curt bow before she face first years and urge us to follow her into the Great hall.

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