Little Secrets no one Knew... CH - 12

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(Cedric's POV)

After hearing the Legend behind the Tree of Life, I made myself to think about my heart desires. For this moment in my heart there are three persons who my heart says to love and cherish forever and that's not gonn chang ever.


Hadrian! And.....


Thinking back, I froze on the spot when I first saw Adrian not because of shock but more likely soulmate pull and love at the first sight concept. At that time because of the situation we were facing I forced those feelings to aside. On top of that I was worried sick when Hadrian started to siphon emotions away from his family members without a warning.

The only time I got to see Adrian's face for the first time was when he cuddle Hadrian in sleep, when I imitate that I was asleep as well. He is beautiful and handsome at the same time which also have some adorable features mixed with then adding an unique specialities in his existence.

I may not before paid a close eye on someone before, but right when I looked at him I couldn't but stares at his breathtaking view.

And when we woke up after a long sleep, he insisted to chat with me privately. First he looked shy since he took a step on our relationship without knowing what I will say. However reading his thoughts I could understand his feelings towards this soulmate thing and toward me.

For soulmates concept, he was so confused since as far as he know magical twins share soulmates. That's true! Magical twins indeed share soulmates specially when that said twin is also share a bond with you which is always sync.

For me, he was excited and hopeful. That much enough for me to last long as much as long I can live without worry!

So I was the one who asked if he has the willingness to become my soulmate. Which gained stuttered 'Yes! Definitely!" And bone crushing hug with a kiss on my cheek.

I came back to reality when Adrian exclaimed "What!?" In a loudest way making me laugh a little.

"Hades baby! You know, you shouldn't say about existence of other gods so casually. The society doesn't appreciate someone who knows more than them. They will criticise and and harm you some way or another!" Uncle James said all seriously.

"Yeah baby! You know it was against the general beliefs." Aunt Lily looked worried.

"Mom, being there public beliefs doesn't mean that I am wrong! Beside yes, their public beliefs are right! The said gods in every religions are indeed real. Nothing is wrong with any religious gods, only the difference between each other. Another hands being different beliefs doesn't mean one is greater than others! As long as a religion teaches a good way then that's all need for humanity. Like our Lady Magic and Lord Death. They teach us a way to become good and usefull and we follow them! Simple! And if you worry about the word I use where gods like, heaven, then there are several heavens in this vast universe. Oh come on, you wouldn't really think there is one heaven, would you?" He looked at us with raised eye brows. Then heaved a long sigh seeing that we are stick to one heaven concept.
"There are several heavens in this universe! As well as many worlds which have humans! Our world Apex have twin world which we called Ancient Earth! Ask Cedric whether I am right or not!" On that they looked at me just to see my nod.

Hell! Ancient Earth is a creation of elemental gods. And I have visit there several times also lived at there past year! I can't deny that!

"So as he proved, now where were we? Oh yeah, heavens. There are several of them! Even though we can't visit them on our own intentions, after our death, with the good deeds we have done while living as mortal we will be granted an opportunity to access them. So what I mean to say the gods in this world's people worship belongs to Religious Heaven! And the gods I talked about belongs to Elemental Heaven also known as Creation Heaven! Well, and I told this secret only to you guys! I don't have a desire to public my view point! So don't worry, Okay?"

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