Reunited Hearts..... CH 13

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(Hadrian's POV)

I woke up next day early even though I was awake late last night researching about Emrys lineage and La-Fey lineage. La-Fey is also a throne of wizarding world just like Emrys throne. The difference between them is their supporting affinities. Emrys lineage support Light magic while La-Fey lineage support dark magic.

In first generations of La-Fey was known as Le-Fay till the death of Queen Morgana. From then on by her final order the lineage name became the La-Fey for unknown reasons.

And for us.... our lineage haven't had a king since Merlin and he also didn't claim his Kingdom. Beside he hid our Potter lineage's birth right of Emrys throne repainting our history as the only descendants of Pendragon which afterwards changed back to its original name: Pawerell and then to Potter.

Basically what our ancestors did, left me with a headache. They left many things unresolved making it hard to reclaim our thrones and on top of that their resurrecting in the future will make many disturbances in the current wizarding system.

It won't be a help when I am the one who should lead the resurrection of Merlin and founders!

However before try to do anything of those I must reunite my own family which Dumbledore separated years ago!

I was very nervous due to my experience with my daddy and Draco. They hated me since the beginning although I later realised Draco's mask. I have not any reassurance about daddy being accepting of me.

I changed into white long-sleeved t-shirt and dark blue jeans with black combat boots. Not making any noices to disturb the peacefulness in the air, I could be able to leave my room and went to downstairs. There are five minutes left to be 10 o'clock at Britain which means 4.55 a.m. here.

Using bonded magic I share with Draco, which means as bonded soulmates we share our elemental magic except our inherited element of life & healing and Void elements, I disillusioned myself. Those elements are too sacred to not share. So I can use his other elements Light and Darkness and he can use my other element Nature.

I teleported to Griphook's office at Gringotts not giving flying kiss about wards which protects the bank. Sometimes having infinite teleportation have its pros only.

When I looked around, I saw Griphook being there behind his desk not knowing my arrival. I cleared my throat making him violently starlet and fell from his chair.
"So sorry Griphook! I didn't mean to scare you!" I said making myself visible again. I first disillusioned myself to not drag attention to me immediately if my daddy was here. But now thinking back it is a bad decision.

"Hadrian! How did you entered here without noticed by wards?!" Griphook whispered yelled at me.

"Teleportation Griphook! By the way, will they come?"

Griphook heaved a long sigh making me further nervous!
"Hadrian, Mr.Snape will come here, however Lord La-Fey sent a letter saying he is at La-Fey palace in Canada, so he won't be able to come to this meeting. Have a seat Hadrian!" The last part after he seeing my sunken expression. So I sat just before hearing a knock on the office door.

"Manager Griphook, Lord Snape is here for an audience with you!" A muffled voice came from the closed door. I looked at Griphook worriedly only to be witness his reassuring nod.

Yeah! I have to be brave for my family! Gather your Griffindor bravery!

"Let him in!"

Moments later daddy sat beside me after entering and closing door. He didn't look at me at first.

"May your gold flow, manager Griphook! May I ask why this audience you called for?" He greeted Griphook. "Beside you already have a company here!"

"May your enemies fall! For that...." Griphook looked at me as same time daddy looked at me. So I took it to myself....

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