Part II

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It had been several weeks since Haeun was abandoned by her parents. She lost all contact with people now and her rations were gradually disappearing. The only thing that eased her anxiety was her daily hike up the mountain. She loved the moutain so much that she carved a heart on the side. But still, she was terrified. She didn't know where to get food or water or even how to get back down to the village to ask for help. She accepted her fate that she was going to die up there, alone.

Then one day, a boy her age suddenly appeared outside her hut.

"Hello? Does anyone live here?" he asked. She was so scared that she hid in the corner, crouched underneath a blanket. She was sweating, but she was too afraid to make contact in case the boy broke in.

After a few minutes, the door slightly creaked open as the boy slowly entered. He cautiously looked around his surroundings and saw a bag of chips lying on the table. He ran to it, immediately devouring the contents. This was Haeun's chance to escape while he was distracted. But, she was upset that the boy had no manners, eating someone else's food without asking or offering. Especially in her dire situation where that was the last bag she had left.

"Excuse me?" she exclaimed, ripping the sheet off her body. She was soaked in sweat.

The boy started screaming and quickly ran outside, dropping the rest of the chips on the ground. It was a funny sight to see, but Haeun was too upset to laugh. When she walked outside, the boy had not run very far as he was heavily panting with his hands on his knees, trying to compose himself.

"You scared me!" he yelled, his breath barely keeping up with his words.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked, trying to sound assertive but slightly embarrassed at how disgusting she must look. When she finally saw the boy's face, she noticed how handsome he was.

"I'm Mingi," the boy said, not phased by Haeun's appearance. He even showed her a big smile after the awkward impression they both made on each other.

"Why are you here?" she asked again, as the boy ignored her other previous question.

"I was playing hide and seek with my friends, but now I think I'm a little lost," he said, scratching the back of his head while looking down at the village.

"You ran all the way up here?" It didn't make sense to Haeun, how a small boy had that much energy to hike up alone, especially on foot.

"I didn't run. I walked," Mingi admitted, completely oblivious to how odd his story was.

"It's impossible to travel up here by foot, especially in a short amount of time," Haeun tried to reason, but Mingi stared at her confused.

"I don't really know what happened. I tried hiding in that forest over there," he explained, pointing down at the vast amount of amount of trees that looked tiny from where they standing. "But, there were so many bugs! My feet started moving before I even knew what was going on and somehow I ended up here."

Haeun laughed at Mingi's whimsical story telling, filled with lots of facial expressions and hand gestures. But, she still couldn't trust the boy.

"How are you not tired from running?" She proceeded to investigate.

"Well, of course I'm tired. That's why I went into your house to relax. I was also really hungry so I started eating your chips. Sorry about that," he apologized while looking down at his feet. All she did was nod in response.

"So, when did your hide and seek game start?"

"Must have been a few hours ago."

"Aren't you worried that your friends wont be able to find you?" she asked, while walking closer to him. Suddenly Haeun became saddened at the thought of the boy being abandoned like she was.

"Then that means I won!" Mingi smiled. Haeun stared at him, realizing how naive he was. She too believed she would be found a few weeks back, but the harsh truth settled in and she knew her parents purposely left her here to rot.

"I hope they come get you soon." Haeun was on the brink of tears now as she was scared that Mingi would have to accept that same fate as her.

"What's your name?" Mingi all of a sudden asked. Haeun was too busy interrogating him that she forgot to formally introduce herself.

"Haeun," she replied, wiping the tears off her face.

"Why are you here alone?"

"My parents left and I don't know where they are."

"Oh. Is that why you're crying?" Haeun nodded.

"Let's go find them then," he said, trying to cheer the little girl up.

"You know how to get back to the village?" Her head suddenly shot up and she stared at him with hopeful eyes.

"No, but it's better to try then to sit up here." Mingi had already started walking with Haeun hesitantly following behind.

The two started treading along in silence until he couldn't bare it any longer.

"Why's your hair red?" he suddenly asked, shocking Haeun.

"I don't know. I wish it wasn't though," she replied.

"It's pretty," he said, smiling over at her. She smiled back and a part of her started to appreciate her hair a little more now.

"Is it really hot in the hut?" Mingi continued to ask questions.

"It's hot everywhere," Haeun joked.

"But, you were covered in sweat when I first saw you." Mingi abruptly stopped walking to look at Haeun. Her face was getting red now.

"My body gets really warm sometimes. I don't know why," she explained because she truthfully was confused as to why she overheated at times. Mingi stood behind her now.

"What are you doing?" she asked, turning to face him.

"I'm covering the sun so you won't feel hot." He smiled once again, with his arms above his body to try and shield her. She quickly turned around, covering her face as he was good at making her feel embarrassed. But, she was really thankful for him.

Hours gone by and the two children felt hopeless as they wandered around in the forest. They were growing tired but their fears of being stranded were enough motivation to keep them moving. It was getting dark though, and they were both faint hearted.

"Haeun, I'm getting a little scared," Mingi admitted. She slightly admired the fact that he didn't try and act cool in front of her. But, one of them had to be brave.

"It's okay, just hold my hand," Haeun said, grabbing onto him. Truthfully, she needed his company just as much as he needed her. Her pace quickened, yet he was able to follow every step. The night was cooler once again that day, but the darkness attracted more bugs than ever. The boy quietly whimpered as they buzzed around his face, gripping her hand even tighter. He trusted her to lead the way as he closed his eyes, afraid to see the insects flying around.

"It's getting too dark now, Mingi," Haeun said, defeated.

"We can't stay here!" he exclaimed.

"I can't see anything." They both started tearing up, tightly hugging one another for comfort.

After a while, they drifted off to sleep.

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