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When Haeun made her way back to her safe little hut, she immediately ripped off her mask and robe, not expecting someone had been following behind her.

"So, Mingi was telling the truth when we were younger that you lived here alone," a voice called out from outside. When she opened the door, Areum stood with her arms crossed, leaning on the frame. Haeun froze, knowing she was the last person she wanted to see.

"What's the matter, Haeun? You don't miss me?"

"What are you doing here?" Haeun was emotional after all the events that had happened at the festival, her face still wet and her voice timid.

"I think I should be asking the same thing. Mingi told everyone you were dead. I mean, you must've saw how everyone was lighting your picture on fire." Rage filled Haeun's body, but she expected it nonetheless. Areum's eyes wandered to the ground at the mask that was laying there. She bent down to pick it up, noticing how it was the same one she had worn.

"Do you know San? He was with a girl wearing this mask all night," Areum said while tightly gripping the mask in her hand. Haeun shook her head no, furious as to why she was even here if she already made a move on San.

"Well, I guess if no one knows you're alive, and I have the same mask, then it's safe to assume that I was the girl, right?" She smirked.

"What do you want, Areum?"

The girl pouted, trying to throw her arms around Haeun.

"I'm not trying to offend you. I just don't think it makes sense that a guy like him would want to be with you. I'm just telling you my honest opinion."

"I never asked for your opinion."

Areum pouted again.

"Don't be upset with me, I'm trying to help you. I wouldn't be telling you this if I didn't care about you."

"How is this helping me?"

"I just don't think you're mature enough to handle these kinds of boys. Mingi finally came to his senses and that must've hurt you. I wouldn't want that to happen again with San."

"Are you jealous of me?" Haeun asked. Areum let out a forced laughter, as if it was so unbelievable that a pretty girl like her would ever be jealous of Haeun. She reached out to pull Haeun's cheeks back.

"Don't you remember how badly you wanted to look like me when we were younger? Think again about who the jealous one here is."

"If you're so confident, why don't you just talk to San yourself and leave me alone? Is it because he already rejected you after you kissed him?" Areum's eyes grew wide.

"How'd you know about that?"

"You're not the only one who knows how to follow behind people."

"I would watch your mouth if I were you. We're the only ones here and everyone already thinks you're dead. Why don't we fulfill their wishes?" Areum threatened, her grip bending the mask in half.

Meanwhile, San was still in the village, hiding from shop to shop trying to find Haeun's beloved chocolate. When he arrived at the last stand, Mingi was waiting in line. San wanted to hurt him the way he hurt Haeun, but he didn't want to draw any attention. He tried hiding behind a couple of bushes, hoping that he could sneak by and grab a piece before anyone noticed.

"Hey, you're San right? I'm Mingi," the boy said, kneeling down to San's level and reaching out to give him a hand when he saw the stranger peeking through. San refused, ready to walk away but Mingi grabbed onto his arm. San tensed up and Mingi immediately let go, his hand covered in ice burns.

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