Author's Note

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Hello to anyone who is reading this, I just wanted to make this little note to explain some of my thoughts regarding this story and hope you'll take the time to read it. While I do enjoy writing for the fun of it, I can't say that I am not a little discouraged by how little attraction this story is pulling. I am aware that the plot isn't the typical "fanfiction" and the chapters may be a little wordy, so if there are any requests, I'd love to hear them. That being said, I do already have the entire storyline planned out so the ending cannot be changed, but if there is a different formatting that'd be more appreciated or anything you wished to see, I can make that compromise. I don't want this to sound too formal as again, writing is just a hobby for me and a way to express my admiration to many boys. Even my author's note is a little lengthy so I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is my first story I've ever published despite having many drafts and I'd be grateful for any feedback. I have many plots for upcoming stories that I'd also love to share but it would be a little silly to be writing for an empty audience. So if you want, please vote, comment, or share so I know I'm not doing this for nothing haha. I know I forget to interact with stories all the time too lol. In the future, I may pause this story in order to work on something that would become more popular, but I do have the intention to finish this. If you managed to read through all of this, I'd like to thank you and hope you continue showing support :)

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