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"And that's the story of how the girl brought back the snow caps to the mountain," I said to my daughter, Byeol as I finished my story out with many facial expressions and hand gestures.

"I love that story, dad! Haeun and San are so strong!" The little girl squealed with excitement.

"I hope I can be like them too. No offense to you and mom," she added as I chuckled.

My wife, Areum, however, sat next to us in disbelief, confused as to why I would tell such a cruel tale.

"Byeol, how about I tuck you into bed now?" Areum offered trying to remedy the situation. Our daughter did not look phased at all as she heard the story countless times, but Areum was upset that I had painted her in such a bad light. Once Byeol fell asleep, Areum came back out to slap me across the face.

"What was that for?" I screamed.

"Why are you spreading all these false rumors?"

"What are you talking about? I've never told a lie!"

"Mingi, I think you've gone crazy."

"You were there! You saw it all happen!"

"There was no girl and there was certainly no man who was created out of a mountain. Please, just tell me if you're hysterical instead of creating all these weird stories." Areum tried holding onto my arm but I flinched away.

"You think I'm stupid, don't you?"

"I think you're too old to be having imaginary friends."

"They're real! You met them!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Mingi. Please stop it before you drive Byeol insane too."

"If I'm lying, then explain everything. Look at our scars, don't you remember?" I looked down at my hand and noticed how small the burn had become. Areum's scar had healed almost completely as well.

"We're survivors of a fire that was caused out of natural disasters, not by some random girl."

"It wasn't Haeun, it was my grandfather."

"Your grandfather might be the reason for your delusions but do not blame that great man for the entire tragedy of the village. And the fact that you made me sound like such a villain too in front our own daughter is humiliating."

"We were awful people, Areum."

"You created the whole story in your head. None of that ever happened, Mingi. You need to listen to me. Haeun is an imaginary friend you created when you were younger because you were lonely. After both your parents died you started to resent her because your mind wanted something to blame. But, you couldn't have hurt her because she was never real. Your subconscious created San because your attachment to your imaginary friend was so real that you felt guilty of leaving her behind. Your grandfather was only trying to help you by convincing you how badly you needed to make actual friends instead of Haeun. After the village burned down, you cried out to Haeun because you were afraid of being lonely again. But, I'm here for you, Mingi. I'm real."

Areum had told me the same story over and over again, hoping I'd finally understand what had happened. My mind couldn't process the fact that all my memories were just false creations. At this point, I couldn't decipher what was real and what was just an illusion. Areum noticed how sullen I had become and decided to continue on explaining, hoping that I would finally believe her.

"I know you're sad that you witnessed your grandpa committing suicide. And I know you're upset that he left you alone in this world. But, that doesn't give you the right to badmouth him to your own daughter."

The Mountain With Melted Snow Caps | Ateez SanWhere stories live. Discover now