Part IV

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It had been 12 years since the Song family welcomed Haeun into their home. Temperatures were still rising in the village, and the miraculous cool nights began to warm up as well. Somehow, the mountain Haeun used to climb daily seemed to have shrunk. But, that didn't stop her from admiring it from afar.

A day would not go by without Mingi's grandfather verbally harassing the girl. He would constantly tell her to leave and call her a burden to the family, but Mingi and his parents did everything they could to reassure her that her presence was welcomed. After a while, she started listening to the old man's words, believing that she didn't belong. But, she loved the family too much and couldn't bare the thought of leaving.

Throughout the years, Haeun watched as her friend, Mingi, grew up to be a fine young man. He was tall with a strong build, dark brown hair that matched the color of his eyes. He had the prettiest smile she has ever seen, and it hadn't changed since the day she met him. All the girls were jealous of their close relationship, going as far as talking behind her back to try and get the boy to like them. She heard it all.

"I heard her parents left her," one girl said, laughing.

"Probably because she has ugly red hair," the other added.

Mingi would just stick his tongue out when he heard the trash talk. He'd wrap his arms around Haeun, acting extra affectionate to make the girls angry. Haeun loved and hate it. She liked Mingi very much, but she knew he was only doing it to be funny. His actions only lead to more hatred for Haeun from the girls. It hurt even more considering how they used to be her friends.

One day, the bullying became too rough. A group of girls had cornered her with matches in their hand while they were all preparing decorations for the upcoming festival. One by one, they'd burn Haeun's skin with the flames they produced, pointing and laughing at the scars they left. Haeun knew why they chose to burn her. She had overheard Mingi's grandfather telling neighbors his theories on how she was cursed. The rumors spread faster than any fire she had seen.

"Get off her!" Mingi screamed, yanking each girl off. They were all afraid of what he'd think of them now, so they quickly hid their faces in hopes he didn't know who they were. Mingi didn't care who it was, all he wanted to do was protect Haeun.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Haeun wanted to fake a smile so her friend would not worry, but she couldn't. She curled her knees up towards her face and silently wept. She wanted to stop crying. All she ever did was cry.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner," he cooed in her ear, throwing his arms around her body to comfort her. She didn't respond. Instead, she grabbed on tighter. Her heart began beating faster and suddenly he abruptly broke the hug to reach into his bag. Without a word, he started applying cream to her wounds. She wondered when the day would come where she could take care of him too.

"Can you walk?" he asked, extending his hand out to help her up. She hesitantly nodded but he didn't believe her. He swiftly lifted her up, the two giggling at each other as he carried her to his motorcycle he always drove around.

"Thank you, again," Haeun said as he handed her a helmet. He gave her a quick smile before turning away to start the engine up. Little did she know, the boy was fighting back tears from seeing her get hurt constantly. He felt like he failed his friend for letting things go too far. He loved her, but he was scared of what the consequences of being with her would be.

"Where are we going?" Haeun questioned as she watched Mingi take the wrong turn.

"You'll see," he replied.

"Shouldn't we stay and finish setting up everything for the festival?"

"This is more important right now."

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