Little miss perfect

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"I have my study date with Jake at 3 and then I'm going to Daphnes house at 6 so we can get ready for Jakes party together." I said to my mom as I looked in the mirror at my outfit. "Ok, are you going to sleep over Daphne's house after or are you two coming back here?" She said to me as she handed me the necklace that I asked to borrow from her. "We don't know yet, I'll keep you updated." And with that I grabbed my school backpack and another backpack with all my stuff to get ready for the party with and left the house.
It was a fairly small town so I didn't drive, I walked everywhere, there was no need to drive so teens saw no rush to get their licenses. It was also early June and the weather was nice so why not take advantage of it. I walked down the street with a backpack on each shoulder and a gold necklace around my neck. I never left the house without looking my absolute best, wherever I was going I would dress for the occasion. Right now I'm heading over to Starbucks to study with my boyfriend, Jake. I wore a white strapless dress with lace on the bottoms and tan sandals. My hair was put neatly into a side braid and my makeup was simple and neat. I'd redo my entire look for the party tonight while I'm at Daphne's house. It would go from casual to my night life look.
I open the door to the Starbucks and take a seat in the booth with Jake. "Hey (y/n), you look pretty." He said as he kissed my cheek. Our relationship was simple and perfect. I mean we didn't have much in common, but we are both thought so highly of at school that it would be crazy if we weren't together. And I mean, I can't picture myself with anyone else. He's nice and sweet and caring. The best that a girl can do I guess. What other qualities do you need in a guy?
"I just don't know how to do anything in unit 14, if a lot of question about it pop up, the best I'll get on this final is an 80" I said as I bit the eraser on my pencil. "It's easy, you're just too ditsy to understand. Why don't you try studying" he said, slamming the textbook shut. "Well, Thats what we are doing right now... studying" I said as I let out an awkward laugh, trying to lighten up the situation. He wasn't always like this, he just had a little temper. And he didn't mean what he said, I forgive him every time. Why wouldn't I? He doesn't mean it.
He continues to criticize me but I zone out while looking out the window, when he gets this way there's like a little switch in my brain that I can turn on and off. My mom always taught me that it's best to bite my tongue and tune stuff like this out, I mean, it's what she did to my father... up until he left me and my brother. So all the men in my life were really never that good to me, so I just have to accept that Jake is the only guy who will ever love me. Our relationship is picture perfect and it makes us look better, what else would you need in a relationship?
Out the window I see a group of 6 kids, all ranging in age. They look like a family, siblings maybe. They were laughing and eating ice cream cones, the little girl was on a boys shoulders. I squint trying to figure out who they are, I'm almost positive I've seen them around town before but they definitely don't go to school with me. And if they did I just never noticed. I jumped out of my thoughts when Jake suddenly says, "Are you even listening, god you're so stupid. I'm done, I'll see you tonight." He kisses me and grabs his stuff and heads out the door. I just sit there, still looking out the window at how happy they all look.
I sigh and pack up my stuff, I learned nothing today and all this study date did was stress me out. I check the time on my phone, it's 5:23, I'll start making my way to Daphne's house now. She lives about 6 blocks away, not far, she wouldn't mind if I was there early, I'm always early. I was raised to be early and never late and never just on time, early was the way to do it.
As I walk down the sidewalk I take my hair out of my braid and run my fingers through it. My hair was (y/h/l) and (y/h/c) and always shiny. The braid left little waves which I loved and it fell together with my outfit I perfectly. I turn the corner and, once again, see the family. They're still laughing and smiling, but the girl is down from the boys shoulders and their ice cream is gone. The boy with the cheesy fedora nods at me as he passes and then continues to talk to his family. I roll my eyes and continue walking and I don't look back. Look at the way he's dressed. Skinny jeans? Really? I do not want to be associated with that. Ever.

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