The best that I can do

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I looked at myself in the mirror as I talked to Daphne. "Wow, that skirt looks HOT on you (y/n)!" She said as she took a hit of her wax pen. She handed it to me and I took a hit and held it for a few seconds and then exhaled out my nose. I never said I had a good reputation. Just a reputation. But I never said it was bad either. Just that I was well liked. But I'm not a stoner either, so don't get the wrong idea.
I was wearing a black mini skirt with a cropped red tank top. My hair was pin straight and frizz free. I wore black vans and a choker around my neck and hoop earrings. My eyeshadow was done nicely by Daphne, it was a light Smokey eye and I also wore some red lipstick. Perfect. "Ok it's 10, let's get out of here." She said as she put her pen in to her bra.
It was now 12am and I felt like I was gonna be sick. I've had way too much to drink and now I'm just sitting around a fire pit with a few friends and Jake. "Babe you look so hot, look I'm sorry about earlier. How about we head upstairs to my room?" Jake said as he snaked his arm around my body. "No thanks, I wanna be with my friends right now." I said trying not to stutter and slur my words. "No come on babe, you always do this to me." He said pulling me closer. "I said no Jake!" I said pushing him off of me and standing up. "Ok, fine whore. Have it your way. Get out! You aren't welcome at this party anymore!" He said and pointed at the back gate. "W-What? You don't mean that right? It's 12am and I'm wasted. You wouldn't just let me walk 15 minutes home like this?" I said with anger rushing through my body. "Go!" He said and with that he pushed me to the ground. No one paid attention, they were all wasted or high. I picked myself off the ground and I ran out the gate. Fuck him. Fuck this! How come guys always treat me like shit! I don't deserve this? Do I? Maybe he's the best that I can do. Maybe this is what all relationships are like.
I couldn't go home, I was drunk and it was past my curfew so I ran to the preserve. I could stay and hang out there, stare gaze maybe. I hop the fence of the preserve and run down the path. It felt so freeing to just live in the moment, even if the moment sucks and you're wasted out of your mind and feel like you're gonna throw up.
As I'm running I see someone sitting on a blanket, looking up at the sky. I run up to them and they scream and slap me across the face. "Yo what the fuck!" I scream and look up at them. It's the fedora boy from earlier, he's covering his mouth and he looks shocked. "I'm so so sorry" he says just looking down at me. "Well if you're so sorry help me up fedora boy." He grabs both my hands and lifts me up, I'm limp in his arms and I laugh at the fact that I can barely stand up straight. "Wow, someone's wasted." He says as he guides me to his blanket and sits me down. "Yup. Just came from a party that I was kicked out of. My boyfriend got mad at me so he kicked me out. But it was totally my fault." I said as I laid down on the blanket and stretched out my arms and legs.
"Why are you out here anyways? It's like 1am!" I say as I look up at the sky. "My house is loud, I have 5 siblings and I can't ever seem to catch a break. I mean I love them to death but sometimes alone is good." He says as he opens a bag of chips. I brush some hair out of my face and sit up when I hear the chip bag open. "Wait-" he starts "I know you. I saw you earlier. You were the girl in the white dress." He says in shock. "Yup, that's me. I'm (Y/N)." I say as I take a chip out of the bag. "I'm Adam. You know you shouldn't be wandering around preserve at 1am while drunk. What if I was some crazy guy? Why didn't you just go home after being kicked out of the party?" He says as he bites into a chip.
"Well I didn't go home because if my mom saw me drunk she would flip her shit. And I didn't run into a crazy guy. I ran into a fedora wearing boy named Adam. Hey, how come I've never seen you around before until today. Are you home schooled?" I ask. "Yup, you caught me. And before you ask, no, not all home schooled kids are weird. My siblings and I are pretty chill." He said with a laugh. "Well, I'll believe it when I see it" I say taking another chip from the bag.
Time goes by and we talk for about an hour, we have a lot in common. It makes me wish I met him a little sooner. He could seriously be my best friend if we hang out a little more, damn, he might even replace Daphne. Then he puts his hand in mine. I tense up and pull away. "Ok look you're a really nice guy but my boyfriend is so good to me. Like him and I are perf-" he cuts me off "why did he kick you out of the party then and leave you to walk around alone at midnight?" Adam questions. I sigh and tell him everything that happened. Jake pushing me and me running out. Jake trying to pressure me into sex once again. Like he always does.
"Look (Y/N) I know I just met you but you're a really pretty girl, and you are super sweet and funny. You don't deserve to feel that way. I'm not saying that I want to date you. I mean, I just met you. But all I'm saying is that you deserve better. And maybe one day, better will be me. Let me walk you home. You sobered up" he says as he gets up and grabs my hand to pull me up. "Ok fine, but can I get your number?" I ask, he nods and then we exchange numbers
After a short walk we arrive at my house, I wave him goodbye and then climb into an open window on the first floor. I guess Daphne and I weren't going to have a sleep over after all. I walk up to my room and I close the door and think about everything that happened today. Study date, Daphne, party, drunk, Jake, Adam. Adam. I sigh and start to take my makeup off. What did this night just start?

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