What. The. Fuck.

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     It was now Monday and I just got out of my English final, one more final and I'd be done with high school. I take my phone out of my jacket and turn it back on, first thing I see is a message from Adam.
Adam: hey, yesterday was really fun, I was actually wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me. I mean you don't have to and I won't hate you if you don't.
(Y/n): that sounds fun, let me know when and where
Adam: ok I'll text you more info

     I have to break up with Jake. I mean, I'm starting to catch feelings for Adam and I basically cheated on Jake. No. I did cheat on Jake. Does this make me a bad person? He was terrible to me. He should be at the school now, he just took the final too. I look around trying to spot him in the crowd of seniors piling out of the building. Then I spot him under a tree, talking to Daphne. They seem really close, then I see it. They kiss. If he was cheating on me why would he do that at school, that's so public. Wouldn't he want to hide it?
     "What are you doing?" I say to them. "You don't control me, I figured that Friday night was self explanatory. We are done. Why would you think we are still together whore?" Says Jake, I gasp. Did he break up with me and I was just too drunk to notice? I could cry, but I don't. "You know what, fuck you, and fuck you. And guess what. I'm seeing someone else anyways so I don't care!" I scream, my face is probably red but I'm way too angry to care. "Of course you're seeing someone else...whore" says Daphne, she seemed hesitant but she still said it. She called me a whore. I've never seen her like that. She's been my best friend since I moved here. I don't know how to react, I don't know what to do. So I slap Jake. "Let's think of that as revenge for all the shit you put me through. Never talk to me again. Never even look in my direction, cause if you do, you'll regret it." I say very collected and calm. And with that I walk away, people were watching and I didn't even notice. What would people think of me now?
     As I'm walking home I feel the tears building up and I feel the knot in my throat get bigger and bigger. I start walking faster until I break into a jog, tears are now running down my face. I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and wipe my tears away. I look down at my hands and see that my mascara is all over them. I pull out my phone and look at myself in the camera, the mascara is running down my face and I look like a crazy person. I'm a mess. Then I call Adam, I have to speak to someone right now.
      I wait for him to answer and then I say, "Can I come over"

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