Chapter 5 Teacher Teacher

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"No no no! Think solid, get mad if you have to!" Rages Jane. Anna Beth has failed to pick up this cursed rock for a freaking hour and a half. Anna Beth tired of failing tried one more time madder than she's ever been before and picks it up.

Astonished she holds it up. "I did it!!" She exclaims and looks a smug Jane. "See you just have to get mad ...and believe." Jane states smugly. Anna Beth rolled her eyes.

After that the girls lost track of time. They were caught up in testing Anna Beth strength, and to Jane's surprise Anna Beth was very strong. Almost unnaturally strong for a newbie.

Suddenly Jane freezes. Her dark reddish eyes get a far away look. "Jane? Jane what are you doing?" Anna Beth asks looking for Jane to move.

Anna Beth stands next to the girl for what feels like a life time before Jane blinks. "Anna Beth..." She says shaking her head a little. Anna Beth just stares at her as she says "Yeah."

"I lost track of time. Im sorry but it is my time to go." Jane tells Anna Beth as her eyes focus on her face. Anna Beth fights to keep a pout off her face. She was having a lot of fun with Jane, but she understands so she nods her understanding.

Jane sighs "Oh come on Anna Beth dont be like that! I know you had fun, and man I haven't had so much fun in ages!" Jane said with exasperation. "No no I understand." Anna Beth mummers. Jane just rolls her eyes. "I mean it. You are strong and I consider us friends now." Anna Beth smiles and her eyes light up. Jane smiles back and hugs Anna Beth. "Good Bye Jane." Anna Beth says into the little girls hair. Jane looks up and smiles... Slowly Jane just fads away.

* * * * * * * *

After Jane left Anna Beth was feeling tired, her newly found muscles her aching. Who would if ever though spirits get tired! One of the many things Jane thought Anna Beth tonight.

Anna Beth now has the knowledge of a professional. Anna Beth knows that ghost need sleep just like when she was alive, only not as often... Maybe a couple hours ever other day until your stronger. Another interesting thing Anna Beth came accost is she will have to name her game. Literally.

Jane said since she is wearing white, and her husband was a unfaithful man she should be called the 'The White Lady' but Anna Beth rejected that name right away. She also has to figure out how to kill her 'prey' as Jane called it.

Anna Beth finds a nice little hollow in the middle of a tree. It's high off the ground too away from peeping eyes, and it has an amazing view. Anna Beth sits in her little hole and thinks.

She thinks about what her life has come down to. She does not feel any sorrow about her husband, but for her children she feels like she's been stabs with a blade made of ice. Anna Beth knows she cannot go back to the house, but she isn't to sure why. Maybe she has cursed her children too? Anna Beth shivers and pushes that thought away.

Anna Beth thinks about how perfect her life was, and anger starts to bubble up. That stupid man! Anna Beth's heart feels as though its being cut out. He was her only. Her first kiss, first dance, first date, first everything, and he threw it away. He's going to pay... Anna Beth won't kill him, but she'll make sure he knows every man that does die it is his fault.

Anna Beth feels every thing fall into place. She stands. "Good job me." She says amused.

Anna Beth decides to make her husband suffer. She will kill unfaithful men just like he is, and they won't die a simple easy death... That would be to easy! No Anna Beth is tear there heart out if their cheating , lying chest.

Anna Beth smiles and starts to walk to the lake where she jumped. 'I wonder if they found me yet?' Anna Beth thinks as she flys across the leaf covered ground.


Wow... Short again! Oh well I felt this was a good stopping place, and a little cliffhanger :)

What do you guys think of Jane? Devils kid, but is now friends with Anna Beth... FYI Anna Beth won't be called that for much longer!! Hope you enjoy the ride ;)


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