Chapter 9 Victims

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Anna Beth's head starts to come alive, as if a hundred fireworks have been set off. She knows now that its the sign of unfaithful scum coming her way. "Ones coming." She whispers to Jane and Kindle.

This will be Anna Beth's first victim... Jane says the most important too.

They've been waiting by the bridge for for 3 hours waiting for the right person to come along. Finally an old green jeeps comes by, Anna Beth wills it to break down (something Jane has taught her while they were waiting) and Anna Beth feels herself start walking toward the side of the road. Innocent.

She sways, almost dancing in slow half circles. Her dress angelic looking in the evening breeze. The man looks at her "Ma'am can you help me? My car seems to have broke down." He says with a slight country twang. Anna Beth quickly dances over to him smiling. "We'll it seems I too need a ride home... If I help you could you take me home?" The young man smiles, his dark eyes scan over Anna Beth's body. This repulsed Anna Beth she is now very sure this man deserves to have his heart ripped out.

Hiding all of her feelings Anna Beth quickly looks over to the car... "Have you tried to restart it?" She asks casually... She knows it will for her power is no longer on it. "No ma'am I haven't but let me just do that."

The man gets back in his jeep and it groans back to life. "Well that's definitely odd, but oh well lets get you pretty lady back home." The man says shrugging off the whole thing. Anna Beth 'happily' climbs in the passenger seat, and on down the road they go.

"So Hun whats your name?" The man asks eyeing Anna Beth out the side of her eye. "Anna." She replies shortly, but then asks "Whats yours?" The man chuckles "Names Brady." Anna Beth smiles and nods.

After a few minutes go by Brady grunts "I forgot to ask ya where you live." There's a slight under side to his words, ringing loud and clear in Anna Beth's ears. Pretending like she was in a daze she's quickly says "I can never go home." Brady quickly looks at her shocked.

"Mm ok you can come home with me..." He says already turning the car around. Anna Beth sits there and nods. Brady places his filthy hand on Anna Beth's leg. "Why are you so cold?" He asks as he reaches the bridge.

'Well Anna Beth its time.' Anna Beth makes the car die again. She snaps her head in the mans direction. "Because your a filthy cheeter." His face turns two shade paler and says "W...wha.. Aahhhhhh!" Before he knows it Anna Beth's hand flys out, and her nail dig into his rib cage. The man screams, but as Anna Beth's hand breaks open his chest revealing the heart he passes out.

Blood goes every where in the car as Anna Beth pulls out his still beating heart and starts to burn it.

With the ashes he places two grayish hand prints on Brady's dead face. She fades out of the car and go right back to the woods.

Jane is waiting there, as well as Kindle. "So how did it go?" Jane asks excited. Anna Beth is really starting to worry about Janes mental health since she seems to be so happy about death. "It went...." Anna Beth says trying to find the right words. "It went like it was suppose to go... I do feel more like me." Anna Beth says smiling. Kindle lets out a breath as if he's been holding it in all night.

"That's very good news indeed." He says smiling. "Well looks like my job here is done for now." Jane says. Anna Beth feels sad to see her friend leave, but she knows Jane must go. "I'll catch you guys later!" Jane says before vanishing.

Kindle shakes his head and laughs. "C'mon Anna Beth lets go home." Anna Beth looks at Kindle as if he has grown two heads. "You mean I can stay with you?" Anna Beth asks feeling a strong mixture excitement and joy. "Yes Anna Beth you may live with me for as long as you like." Again Anna Beth can hear the double meaning to Kindles words... He wants her to stay forever. Anna Beth smiles "I would like that very much.

* * * * * * *

And so the killings of unfaithful men continues, one or two every month or so.

Years have gone by, Anna Beth still lives with Kindle. Jane comes by whenever there's a 'case' near by, and every time Anna Beth sees her she is always a different age. Once she was even an old lady!

As for Simon...Anna Beth makes sure he knows about every man she killed. Leaving news paper clippings of the articles in front of his door, in his car, or Anna Beth's favorite place on his bathroom mirror. She also always leaves her mark a ash hand print... One accidentally stained the front door so every time Anna Beth sneeks by she can't help but laugh.

One thing that keeps Anna Beth from being completely happy is her children... She can never go back to her old house, it is now abandoned due to every person that lived there claims its haunted.

Anna Beth can't help but feel sad that she also damned her children to the same life as hers, but she hopes they understand.

Anna Beth. The Woman in White. Kindle. Jane.... All live in an un aging world where they all survive on different thinks.

Blood for Kindle, whatever Jane does (Anna Beth still does not want to ask!) Anna Beth/The Woman in White lives on killing unfaithful, cheating dirt bags. All of them are happy most of their time, and they plan to stay that way forever.



Yay, I have finished the legend of the Woman in White! To tell the truth Im a little sad its over, but I am proud of my work and of my fans who have commented, voted, or helped promote it!!

Remember I can never have too many comments, votes, or help!! I promise I will do the same in return :D

If you guys want I could make a sequel to this about The Woman in Whites death, or it could just end like this... Sweet and 'true'

Love ya'll!!! Remember to vote and comment please!


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