The next day

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Marcel's POV

That Savannah girl wanted to be like that? Fine by me. I'll just show her how bad I can be. I got ready for the day. I fixed my hair so it was a mess of curls. I put in contacts so that I would still be able to see. Next, I put on some casual clothes and put a beanie on my head. I grabbed my backpack and sunglasses and left the house after saying goodbye to my mum. She's pretty used to me looking like myself one day and "Harry" as I call him the next. I drove off to school. When I arrived, I was greeted by a jock who's name I believe was Dan. "Hey man! how ya been? still the same Harry I guess. First day of school was yesterday man."

"Hey Dan! I'm good. Yea I know yesterday was the first day of school. I thought I'd skip."I said trying to act cool.It's been a few months since I've been Harry so Im not that used to it.

Dan then laughed,"Whatever dude. Hey listen I gotta go. I'll see you later."

"Alright later."

I headed inside to Mr.Gomez's class. I took my normal seat.

Savannah's POV

I was sitting in my seat still as Alana waiting for class to start when suddenly instead of that geeky guy,Marcel I think anyways instead of him it was a handsome guy. Mr.Gomez was doing attendance and when it was his turn,he was confused and said,"Name?"

"Harry. don't wear it out." Mr. Gomez then checked his list and said,"you're not on my seat and that seat already belongs to a student."

"too bad." Harry then got up and walked over to Mr.Gomez "I believe my name is right here." he then poked Mr.Gomez on the forehead. Mr.Gomez just gave up and said,"Go sit back down." Harry shrugged and sat back down next to me.

"Hello gorgeous."

Pretending to be upset I said,"Oh fuck off,hot shot."

"whatever you say princess."

"don't mess with me."

Harry chuckled and said,"calm down,princess. just teasing you a little."

"quit calling me princess!"

"I'll do what I ple-"

Harry was interrupted by Mr.Gomez.

"Harry! Savannah! I would hope that you pay attention to the lesson and not each other."

Everyone in class snickered. I ignored them. I "payed attention" to what Mr.Gomez was saying about formulas and such. Soon, class ended and I was packing up my things when

Harry said,"So you wanna come to my house after school,princess?"

"fuck off." and with that I left. Lunch came soon and I joined my friend ,Catherine.Catherine had been my friends since forever. She knew I had two sides and honestly didn't care which in my opinion was awesome. We talked and laughed through lunch then when lunch was over,we went our separate ways.

Soon,school was over and I drove home and began doing homework from some of my classes.

DOUBLE UPDATE! even though this was just created today. dedicated to my friend who's in this chapter (Catherine obviously) and has her own high school story. her user is pewdiepies_lover. go follow her and possibly read her book?das it! bye!

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