Chapter 1

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AN: Hey guys, welcome back.

This is my second story, it's about Percy Jackson during the Trojan War. If you haven't already read it, go read Timeless Warrior by Anaklusmos14. This story is inspired by that. Also, my fight scenes might be terrible, who knows, I've never written them before. I'll try my best to upload consistently, as I am still in school.

Take it easy guys,


EDITED: 5 August 2022: Okay. So this has taken me way too long to do. The first 21 chapters of my story are very close to Timeless Warrior by Anaklusmos14. Almost word for word. However, I changed a couple small ideas throughout those chapters, and after chapter 21, it is completely my work. I know this isn't a good look, but I didn't want to sit in ignorance forever. I hope you guys forgive me, and please enjoy.

"Run Perseus, run," a woman said as she pushed her three year old son forward. Both the mother and child were visibly shaking, but they pushed themselves through the forest. Through the night, the moon shined brightly, Leto and Zeus' older daughter taking over from her brother. The mother knew that the beast would get there soon. "Come on my son, the sea will protect you," she said with hopefulness.

Eventually, the mother picked up her child, realizing his little legs wouldn't take him far enough, and weaved through the forest, getting small scrapes and cuts along the way. She couldn't stop, however, as the beast was coming, and it was gaining on her. Her only hope was that she could make it to the sea and her lover would find her.

As she got to the end of the forest, she kneeled down on the beach, about to pray for her lover, when the beast came out. It knocked her over, Perseus falling out of her grip and ending up closer to the ocean. "Perseus, the sea will protect you! Go!" She shouted as a last ditch attempt to save her son.

Perseus saw the beast pinning her mother. Red eyes, staring straight into his soul. As he was about the charge, the beast put his paw around his mother's throat, crushing it instantly. His eyes started to water as he saw his mother get crushed again as the beast turned and faced him. Perseus stood his ground, as he was no longer scared; he just wanted his mother.

As the boar came forward, Perseus felt the sea call to him, and he instinctively stepped into the sea, hoping it would protect him like his mother said it would. As he entered, the sea roared angrily, and a beautiful woman stepped out. The woman placed Perseus behind her and faced the boar. "You will not touch this child," she threatened with a snarl.

The boar's eyes narrowed, but he was aware of the woman. He started to pounce, only to get blasted back by a jet of water. "You have no power here Ares. Go tell your father he is dead, or I will kill you. You can't touch him, and you won't," the woman said, glaring at the beast.

Perseus was shocked. The woman was talking to the beast as if it was a person. Suddenly, the boar pounce again, but the woman used more of her power to launch a large wave of water that came crashing down on the boar and the forest.

The woman turned around and sat down next to the child, "What is your name child?" She asked with a loving tone.

Perseus was curious, yet scared, as he knew she was powerful, but she had protected him from the monster. " name's Perseus," he replied nervously.

"Hello Perseus," she said warmly. "I need you to trust me, we must go quickly before the beast comes back." Perseus nodded, but looked back at the limp form of his mother. He was scared, and he had fresh tears in his eyes. The woman saw this, and raised her hand, guiding sea water underneath Perseus' mother's body and laying on the beach. She then cleaned the body and flicked her wrist again, making the body vanish in a blue light. "I promise Perseus, she will be given the final rights."

Initially, Perseus was shocked at the woman's power, but he quickly came to his senses and gave the woman a hug, or as close to one as he could, being three years old. The woman looked down at the child sadly, knowing who the boy's father was. She was quite upset that his father left his son and lover to die when they came asking for protecting.

The woman pushed those thoughts away and looked at the child. She lifted him up and looked him in the eye. "Perseus, I have a child who is similar in age to you. You can be the brother he has always wanted. Would you like to come with me?" Perseus looked into the woman's eyes, and slowly nodded, seeing much of his mother in the woman.

"Close your eyes, young one, and I will take you to your brother," the woman said softly. Perseus closed his eyes as a weird feeling came over him. It was like his body was turning into something else, and then it turned back again. When he opened his eyes, he found himself by a small home near the water.

As he approached the house, a small boy came bounding out. "Mother, who is that?" The boy asked.

"This is Perseus, and he will be your brother," the woman responded. The young boy's eyes widened and then jumped with glee. He had always wanted a brother, and he finally had one.

Once the boy left, the woman turned to Perseus. "Are you sure you want this?" She asked him.

"Yes," Perseus replied softly. "My mother died, and I don't know who my father is. I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Great," the woman said with a smile. "You and your brother will be unstoppable and will have a life filled with glory."

Perseus was confused, but he nodded. "Who are you?" He asked.

"My name is Thetis," the woman replied. "That was your brother Achilles. Do you want to meet him?" Perseus nodded eagerly before racing into the house. Thetis stood by the door, watching the two brothers laugh and play. She knew once Perseus had the same advantage as Achilles and they were both trained, that they would be unstoppable.

AN: I hope you guys enjoy this story, the next part should be up either tomorrow or the day after. Please favorite and review and take it easy!

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