To the shops for gift wrapping.

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(Y/n) p.o.v)

I was heading to the shops with my brother since he needed to get some food for soup tonight and I needed some gift wrapping and Christmas cards.
"I really thought we had gift wrapping."
"Must have used it all up last Christmas. We did have a lot of gifts for the family that year."
"Yeah. Uncle Bill is coming to Paris to spend the holidays with us."
"The rest of the family not coming then?" I asked as I knew the answer to it.
"Don't think so. But they may come for New Years."
"That's true. It would just be amazing if they could come here and see how wonderful Paris is."
"That it is."
We walked the rest of the way in silence till we got to the shops. We parted ways and I made my way to the gift wrapping section when I saw the jewellery part of the store. I went over and began to look at what they had till I saw some earrings.
'It's not fair she won't be able to get any gifts if she does show up. Maybe I shouldn't it's not like she likes me.'
I went over to where the wrapping paper was and picked three different types. I then went over to the cards were and collected two of the card packs. I was making my way to my brother who was finished and we went to the check out. We began to make our way home when I stopped in my tracks.
"Hey (b/n). If someone didn't like you but they weren't there when names were drawn for a secret Santa, would you still get them something?"
"In the spirit of Christmas I would. But if it wasn't Christmas time and there is no act of giving to be done I would still get them a gift. Because it goes to show that kindness can always be good."
"I gotta go back to the store. I'll be real quick." I told before handing him my bags and running off.
'Hopefully she won't throw them out.'
I rushed back to where the earrings were and grabbed the pair before heading back to the counter to pay for them.
"Must have forgotten to collect them before." The lady said with a cheerful smile.
"Yeah. There for someone who needs a bit of kindness in their life."
"How lovely. That will be $30." She told
I gave her the 50 that I had giving her a cheerful smile of my own.
"Keep the change. Merry Christmas." I told before heading off.
"Marry Christmas kind girl!"
I quickly got back to my brother and grabbed the bags I gave him back.
"Your doing a good thing (y/n)."
"People need kindness in their world." I told
'I really hope she won't pretend to like them.'

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