Two Hearts

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March 20, 2045
---Justine's POV---
I was curled up in bed when suddenly, I heard noise in the kitchen. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my machete, and ran to the kitchen. In the kitchen was Sabrina, making something. She looked up at me.

"Hi Mama J," Sabrina stated. "Happy birthday. I made you chocolate caramel pancakes." I lowered my machete.

"At this hour?" I asked. Sabrina nodded.

"I was hoping to not wake you or Mama Ro up." Sabrina stated. I walked over and hugged Sabrina.

"Thanks sweetie." I said. I looked down at her. She looks like me, except her smile was Ro's. I still remember the day we found out about her. The joy and excitement filled both Ro and I.

April 2025

"I cannot believe this," Ro panicked. "Neither of us can carry, and if this doesn't work, we won't have a child of our own. Abby is our only hope." I tried to stay calm as possible. The doctor working on our case got our DNA mixed, no sperm required. However, we had one chance and two months to impregnate someone, and neither Ro or I could carry this baby. Abby, being one of our most faithful friends, stepped in for us. Now, she's our only hope.

"Ro," I soothed. "If we can't have a child of our own, we can always adopt." Abby ran into the house with a bag from the pharmacy.

"Hey," Abby stated. "So I woke up sick as a dog these past couple of days, so I am hoping, for your sake, these come out positive. And I brought pregnant friendly drinks just to fill my bladder up." Abby placed the bag onto the table, pulling out three pregnancy tests and a container of SunnyD.

"We could of got you," I stated. "After all, you are carrying our child."

"It's fine." Abby stated. "I'll be fine for now if I am pregnant. It's after month five you need to worry about." Abby began chugging the SunnyD out of the container.

"How do you know all of this?" Ro asked. Abby froze.

"I do my research." Abby stated. Abby drank more SunnyD. I picked up one of the pregnancy tests and examined it. One of the best home tests on the market.

"You've done well." I stated. Abby placed down the half drank container.

"Test one." Abby stated. I handed her the pregnancy test and she made her way to our bathroom.

An hour and two tests later, Abby walked out with the last test.

"This is it." Ro stated. "Please tell me this worked." Abby handed me the last test. I sat down on the couch. Rosanna sat next to me and held my hand. Abby slumped into the armchair. I stared the test down and held my breath. The second pink line appeared.

"It's positive!" I screamed. "We're going to be moms!" Ro screamed in excitement. I hugged her and began to cry.

~Flashback Ends~

I let go of my daughter and smiled at her. Sabrina walked over to the stovetop and turned it on, placing butter on the plan. Once the butter was melted, she put the batter on. I'm proud of who she has become.

---Sabrina's POV---
I've always been a Mama's girl to Mama J. I find that I am closer to Mama J than I am to Mama Ro. We both love video games and technology. We both have the same personality and the same energy. I love them both equally, don't get me wrong. I just relate more to Mama J. I plated the first three pancakes and passed them to Mama J.

"What's today's plan?" Mama J asked.

"I'm collabing with Lucas." I stated. Mama J sighed. I was confused.

"What's this collab about?" Mama J asked.

"The Starbucks Challenge." I stated Mama J raised her eyebrow.

What does she have against Lucas and me? I thought.

"Mama J?" I asked. "What do you have against Lucas?" Mama J sighed.

"It isn't Lucas I'm against." Mama J stated. "I'm worried he'll hurt you, just like I got hurt so many years ago." Mama J sighed. I was confused. I flipped the last pancake, grabbed a couple for myself, and sat down across from Mama J.

"How?" I asked. "Was it Mama Ro?" Mama J shook her head.

"I never told you the story about how I came out." Mama J stated. "I think it's about time."

"Okay.....?" I stated in a questioning tone.

"In high school," Mama J stated. "I had a crush, on a girl on the cheerleading team. She and her friends thought it would be funny to mess with me, so she walked over to me one day, started flirting with me. Your bully's mother took a picture just as this girl kissed me, and released it to the whole school by posting flyers everywhere. Your Aunt Bre took one of the flyers and showed Nana and Papa Ezarik. When they confronted me, I cried my eyes out and admitted that I was bisexual."

"What does that have to do with Lucas?" I asked.

"As your mother," Mama J stated. "I fear Lucas. I see the way he looks at you. I fear he would make you cry. Just like that cheerleader made me cry." I walked over to Mama J and hugged her.

"He could never hurt me." I stated. "He's  my best friend. That's all we are and all we'll ever be." Mama J chuckled.

"That's what I thought." Mama J stated. "However, I was wrong. I never realized your Mama Ro shared the same feelings as I did." I raised my eyebrow. I guess Mama J and I have another thing in common. We just accepted that we would never be with the one we were in love with. However, I don't think I will get the happy ending that Mama J got. I sighed.

"Mama J?" I asked. "Did you ever expect Mama Ro to like you back?" Mama J shook her head.

"No," Mama J stated. "Never did. I accepted a couple years before we started dating that there was no chance. Then, after she broke up with Mike, I knew there was a small chance to win her over. Turns out she broke up with Mike because she liked me back. We were like twins hearts searching for each other." I smiled. I guess there is a chance after all.

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