Life-changing moments

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I worked the next day till 1 and then went out for lunch. I walked into a restaurant and was about to sit down on my own when I noticed Tristan. He saw me and motioned me over so I walked towards him.

"Hey, I'm Tristan and you must me Rose." He said

"hey. Yeah, that's me." I replied

"Tyler's told us a lot about you." He said

"Really, I hope all good stuff." I replied

"Yeah. Hey, join me for lunch." He said

"ok." I replied and sat down

We chatted and ate lunch and he seemed really nice. He was polite and walked me back to my work and when he said bye, he leant in for a kiss

"whow....what are you doing?" I asked stepping back

"what do you think?" he replied

"oh ok. I'm sorry if I've sent a mixed single but I don't like you like that. I like Tyler but we can be friends." I said

"oh yeah ok, sorry. Don't tell Tyler about this ok?" he replied

"ok, I won't. Well, see ya." I said

"bye." He replied and left.

I worked till 5:30 and then went back to the apartment. I showered, changed, did my hair and makeup and said bye to the girls. I hopped on the ferry and headed to the mainland. I sat on the ferry nervous to see him but excited at the same time. The ferry arrived and I got off. I walked a bit and then noticed him in a suit without the tie and a few buttons were undone. He looked so smart. He was holding a single rose. He saw me and smiled and I smiled back and walked over to him

"wow. You look beautiful." He said

"thank you. You look very handsome as well." I replied

"thank you. Here." He said handing me the rose

"thank you and how did you know?" I asked

"know what?" he replied

"that roses are my favourite flower." I said

"ha lucky guess." He replied

He offered his arm and I looped my hand. We got in a taxi and we chatted in the back on the way to the restaurant We arrived and went in. it was a beautiful restaurant that looked out to the sea. A lady showed us to a table and asked us for drinks. I asked for a cider and he got the same. We ordered food and chatted. Our food arrived and we continued to chat. We got on the ferry at 8:30 and then went over to the island. We arrived and it was already packed. We found a spot on the sand and had just sat down when the fireworks started. We sat holding hands and watching the fireworks. After they stopped, we sat there for a minute more in silence as people started to leave

"I want to see you again." Tyler said breaking our silence

"me too." I replied

"but...." He started

"but what?" I asked

"but I go back to LA tomorrow. I was only here for the weekend for a convention." He replied

"oh." Was all I could reply with

We were in silence thinking for a minute

"I got it. Why don't you just come with me?" he said

"what? As is come with you back to LA." I said

"yeah." He replied

"I can't just suddenly leave for LA and I have no ticket." I said

"ok.... I'll stay for a few more days and book us flights in the week." He replied

"I don't know..." I replied. I looked around for my friends and found them looking at us "ill get back to you in a minute." I said

I raced up and ran to my friends

"what?" Sarah asked

"he just asked me to go with him to LA. What do I do?" I asked

"omfg, you haft to go." Kelly replied

"definitely." Said Ryan

"really but what about you guys?" I asked

"well be fine. This is your chance girl." Said Sarah

"I don't think you should I mean we paid to come have a girls summer holiday." Said Mia

"oh, come on Mia it's an opportunity of a lifetime." Replied Kelly

"and even if it doesn't work out with his you're getting a free trip to LA surely that's worth it." Said Ryan

"so, you think I should just go for it?" I asked

"yes." Said Sarah

"definitely." Said Ryan

"of course." Said Kelly

We then all looked at Mia

"ok fine. Just please be careful." She said

We all smiled and hugged and I ran back to Tyler

"yes. I'll come back to LA in the week with you." I replied

"great. Meet for lunch tomorrow?" he questioned

"Yeah. 1 at the dock." I replied

We smiled and hugged and then I went back to the girls and he met the boys and the left. I couldn't believe I was going to LA with a guy I just met. It was nerve-racking but also so exciting, I was finally going to LA. We chatted about the dinner I had and then went back to the apartment.

The Unexpected Trip (Tyler Schrage)Where stories live. Discover now