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After hours I finally landed in London Heathrow. I made it off and went through and went to the baggage claim. As I waited for my bag, I messaged Tyler on snap saying I had made it home safe

"that's good." He replied

"did you stay up to make sure I made it home ok?" I asked

"yeah. Of course, I did." He replied

"aww how sweet thank you. Well, you can go to bed now." I replied

"ok. Night." He replied

"night." I replied

I got my bag and walked out. I spotted my mums car and she spotted me. She got out and we hugged. She put my bag in the back as I got in. We chatted about my time there and listened to music. Most of that car ride I spent looking at my lock screen. I had changed to the pic of me and Tyler at the Hollywood sign and my home screen was just Tyler. When we got home my mum wanted to spend some time with me but I was shattered because of jet lag so I went upstairs texted the girls in the group chat to let them know I was home and would tell them everything at the weekend and then slept for a bit. I woke up at lunchtime and went to get some food. I had some food and opened up my birthday presents from my mum. It was mainly stuff for mine and the girl's house but I did get some new clothes and some money. I then went upstairs and opened my suitcase. I opened it up and immediately started coughing from the overwhelming smell of Tyler's jumper. I picked it up, hugged it and placed it on the bed. I chucked my washing down to my mum to put on and put the rest I hadn't worn away and then hopped in the shower.

I then went out for a pub meal with my mum's side of the family and my brother and his girlfriend. I opened their cards and presents while at the restaurant. I got home and messaged Tyler as it was 9 pm here. He was awake so we video called on snap for a good 2 hours. I then led in bed on my phone trying to fall asleep. When I finally fell asleep at 8 due to jet lag and them being live, I slept till 1. I had some lunch and then went around to my dad's. I opened up the presents from him and his girlfriend and my brother came over as well for a bit. Then his side of the family came round and we had a BBQ and I opened their presents and cards. I then went home and facetimed Tyler over snap. The next day I spoke with my phone company about being able to text and call overseas. I was able to change my contract to do that but it would take a couple of days. The rest of the week I relaxed and then packed again come Friday to move on Saturday into mine and the girl's house in Bournemouth for the next year possibly 2 is we liked the house. We left Saturday morning at 8 and me still being jetlagged slept in the car.

Kelly was the first to get there so she had got the keys and moved her stuff in first. Sarah was after and then me and Mia arrived at the same time. My parents helped moved all our stuff in and getting situated. I took a box to the kitchen and Sarah was in the

"so, when are you going to tell us what happened?" she asked

"When our parents have left," I replied

After a bit, they all left and the girls bustled me into the living room and wanted me to tell them everything so I did. I told them that I was no longer single or a virgin and they were so happy for me. We ordered in pizza and chatted all night celebrating our new house together. I then facetimed Tyler on snap and introduced the girls to him properly before going to my room and showing him my shared room and a single bed. This is because it was a 3-bedroom house and there was 4 of us so me and Mia were sharing a room as the other 2 had boyfriends and would want them to stay over. We had a room divider so we each had our own space. We then chatted for a bit. The next day I called my work and we sorted out my schedule of working there around my school hours. I was working Monday evenings and Wednesday evenings and Saturday all day and I started up again on Monday. I worked as we didn't have uni for another 2 weeks and it was fresher's week before classes started. On Saturday morning as I woke up at 6, I would listen to Tyler's live as I showered and got ready. He texted me beforehand saying morning and I replied evening to him. We went to some of the fresher's events and then classes started up again. It continued like that until Christmas break. The house was left empty as we all went home over Christmas. I had shopped for presents and had sent a big package with presents for each of the boys in there and even their management. Me and some of the others messaged now and then and I had checked in with Chris on how Tyler was handling without me.

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