Winner's Weekend

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The next day I woke up and 9 and we were all fighting over the showers. I managed to shower, change into some cute comfy clothes and put some makeup on and have breakfast. We were all downstairs for 10 waiting for the bell to go to say that the winners were here. At 10 it went and all the boys got up and went to the door. I could hear from the kitchen 2 girl's voices and all the introductions. I then heard them move towards me and then they were in the kitchen. One girl was thin, blonde with blue eyes and was beautiful. The other was a thin, black hair beautiful girl.

"This is Tyler's friend Rose." Heidi introduced me

"hi," I said

"I'm Stella and this is my friend Britney." Said the blonde

"it's nice to meet you." I said

"your British?" Stella asked

"Yeah, I think so and your American right?" I replied sarcastically

She gave me this annoyed look and rolled her eyes before she turned her back to me

"ok, so you can each choose a guy to go film a TikTok with." Said Heidi

"I choose Tyler." Said Stella practically running to him and putting her arm around his

"I'll go with Tristan." Said, Britney

They then went off to film and so did Chris.

"hey, wanna film the dance I taught you?" Bryan asked me

"yeah sure. But only in drafts." I Replied

"Yeah, course."

We went outside and proceeded to film the dance. It took a couple of attempts before we got it perfect. We then just sat outside and chatted. After a while, we decided to go find some food as we were hungry. We walked into the kitchen to find Tyler and Stella sat at the bar. I smiled and walked up behind Tyler and gave him a hug from behind and kissed his cheek. I looked at Stella and she had a look of utter annoyance and disgust on her. I let go and got some food and went upstairs and stayed there all afternoon.

Come 6:30 I got disturbed by someone coming into Tyler's room

"Hey, Rose we are ordering chick-fil-a what do you want?" Tristan asked

"no clue," I replied

"oh yeah, you've never had it before. Come down and look at the menu." Said Tristan

"ok," I replied

I got up and proceeded to go downstairs with Tristan. I looked at the menu and ordered what I wanted. I stayed downstairs with everyone but stayed on my phone being quiet while the rest talked. I sat and listened to some of the bullshit that Stella was saying. She definitely had no personality. She was definitely that popular girl at school and apart from her looks was all she had going for her. Our food finally arrived. I ate quickly and then went upstairs. At 10:30 Tyler finally came up.

"there gone." He said sitting on the end of the bed

"Finally," I said moving forward to the end as well

"your jealous of Stella aren't you." He said

"me jealous of her, of course not with her perfect body, perfect hair and perfect face." I replied sarcastically

"ok, I get it your being sarcastic." He replied

"naaa I'm fucking best friends with her," I said sarcastically

"ok I get it but you don't need to be." He replied

"why? She so much prettier than me." I said

"because she has no personality and you are beautiful and guess what I don't like her I like you." He said

"Really," I replied

"Really." He replied

I smiled at him and he smiled back put his hand on my face and kissed me. We parted

"and I'll tell you what. I'm going to take you out next week to see the sights in LA." He said

"Really?" I asked

"Really. Just me and you. Sound like a plan?" he asked

"Yeah, it's a plan." I said

We stuck on a movie but instead of sitting either side I decided to cuddle him and of course, he didn't complain. However, I did end up falling asleep on his shoulder. I woke up to being on my side. I sat up and checked my phone and then Tyler came in with wet hair

"morning." He said

"morning." I replied, "so what's the plan today?" I asked

"We are taking them out to see LA today so won't be back till later and then have Pizza later so you have the house to your self all day." He replied

"ok cool," I replied

He finished getting ready as I went on my phone. I sneaked an occasional look in his direction intrigued in what he was doing. I went downstairs with him and found some of the others in the kitchen. We had breakfast and then they all headed out.

I needed to do some washing so I grabbed my stuff put it in the machine in the laundry room and then looked at the buttons. I had no clue what to do. I texted Tyler and he told me to leave it for now and he would show me later. I left my washing and went back upstairs. I had a noisy about in his room seeing what he had and see what hoodies he had that I might possibly steel at one point. I had a small noise in each of the other rooms and then chilled downstairs. I had lunch, filmed some draft TikTok's for my account and then watched tv.

I was sat watching tv downstairs when the door went and I heard chatting and they all came in. each of the boys said hi to me as they came in and Britney did as well but Stella point-blank ignored me. Tyler went to the laundry room with me after running upstairs and grabbing some of his clothes. He put them in and then showed me what to do. He demonstrated the dryer after and we joined the others. I went to Tyler's room and they went off to film TikTok's with the girls again. They ordered pizza and I got a shout from one of the boys informing me that it was here. I went down and ate pizza with them and sat with them while they all talked. I ended up being the photographer for the girls along with Heidi taking induvial pictures and a group one. The girls picked a picture each from the prank and all the boys signed it. Of course, Stella chose a Tyler one. I then went upstairs watched their live at 10 and then at 12 Tyler came up. He climbed into bed and engulfed me in a big hug. We watched a movie and then went to bed.

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