LA Life

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I did the usual when I arrived and Tyler was waiting for me. We hugged kissed and then hopped in his car and headed to the house. He was so cute. He had cleared his wardrobe and made space for me. Had given me some draws and some desk space for my stuff. I had 1 suitcase of stuff with me and the rest had been shipped. So, I would get it in a couple of weeks. We spend the rest of the week together doing TikTok's and me going live with the boys and then I started my apprenticeship. It was mainly doing the same things as before but as time went on, she entrusted me more things to do and more mature things. My things came but I could fit it all in our room or the house so I had to put most things in storage until if and when me and Tyler move out of the house together.

We had our birthday and our 2-year anniversary and I had taken the day off for us to spend together. We went to Santa Monica for the day together and spent it doing the rides on the pier and walking along the beach. Had dinner at a restaurant that evening after we had gone back to the house, showered and change. That evening we all partied on live together and that evening me and Tyler did the red room together on his account. I was basically a newly adopted member of dream la. After the live that night we made love.

I went back to work the next day and life continued as normal. I made sure to speak to my parents at least once a week if not more and stayed in contact with the girls and we had a weekly group call on Fridays where we would drink and chat. I stayed up to date with my home town ice hockey team and my hockey family would face time me in the pub after games and I would chat to them and they would give me a rundown on the game.

In November Tyler took me to see the LA Kings (hockey team) and it was a great game and he enjoyed it too and we agreed to go more often. I spent Christmas with him and his family and it was my first time meeting them in person and they were really nice. Time went on and as much as I was enjoying the apprenticeship, I wanted to be more hands-on creatively and that moment came. She asked my opinion on this dress for a historical movie. This my best area so I was happy to. I gave her some pointers and she paused and then agreed with me. I got to help her make the dress and then helped make some of the other outfits for the film. They started filming in summer but that was when my 1 year ended but they kept me on and my pay went up. I worked on the film and my name was in its first credits.

I took a few days off from working and went home to my family and Tyler came with. we met up with all my family and friends and we celebrated our birthday and our 3rd year anniversary. We ended up going out to the club with the girls and their boyfriends to celebrate our birthday and had a great time. However, we were all very hungover the next day.

A few days later we went back to LA and I went back to working on the film until they had finished filming in November. I took a month off and I went back home in December with Tyler for my dad's wedding. He and his girlfriend were married on the 20th December 2024. I was a bridesmaid so as well as going back for our birthday in the summer I had to get fitted for my bridesmaid dress as well. They had a red and white hockey theme so I was in a nice long red dress. They had a beautiful ceremony and after I had to be in some pictures but got a nice one with me and Tyler out of it so it was worth it. We then spent the night partying together and had our first ever slow dance together which was nice. We stayed with my family for Christmas and new year's.

When we got back to LA in the new year, I started looking for a costume job and found one. From then on that became our life. Not spending every minute or days together was fine for both of us because of the long-distance time we had it helped. He spent his days with the boys filming TikTok's and posting on social media and I spent my days working creating costumes for movies and tv shows. We spent the evening together having food and all of us going live. The best part though was when we were in bed together. Just laying in each other's arms was all we needed every night. Going to bed with him next to me and waking up with him there was perfect. I was so happy to have him in my life.

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