Fun Times

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Then it was the weekend and the boys had their event. I went into the city with the boys but Tyler was unable to get me a pass but he said he would come to meet me for lunch. They went in and I left and wondered about the shops looking for a birthday present to Tyler. I hadn't found anything all morning when I had met him for lunch at McDonald's but I did manage to get gifts for my friends and family. However, I found a new chain that looked nice and I knew he would like that afternoon and a card.

I met them at 6 and we got pizza on the way home and ate it when we got in and they all talked about the day and how they filmed TikTok's and met fans. Then they went live as usual and after me and Tyler went and chilled upstairs. The next day I decided not to go with them. I remembered them saying they had never had a roast dinner so I decided to make one. I watched them leave that morning and then I got an uber to the shops. I got what I needed and what I couldn't I was going to make from scratch. I arrived back and started to get organised chopping the veg and preparing what I needed. I stopped and had a bit of lunch. I then finished preparing and waited for a text.

When Tyler finally texted me that they were on their way back I got to work putting the food on. They came bustling in through the front door and all commented on the smell. They came into the kitchen

"what's that smell?" Chris asked

"dinner." I replied

"what is it?" Tristan asked

"well, I decided to cook a British roast dinner for us," I replied

"Really, thanks," said Bryan

"Yeah, thanks." Said Tyler

"Yeah, of course, I remember you saying you don't have them here so I decided to make one for us." I replied, "it will be ready in 30." I added

"cool." Said Tyler

They stayed in the kitchen and talked to me about the day as I cooked. When it was done, I dished up and they all said it looked delicious and we all ate.

"This is great." Said Tyler

"really?" I asked

"Yeah. It's so yummy." Said Chris

"great. It's my first time cooking one and your first time eating one." I said

"really. You haven't cooked one of these before?" Bryan asked

"yeah," I replied

"well for a first try it's great," Bryan said

"Why thank you," I said

We chatted and ate. I then put the home-made cherry pie in the oven for dessert and was about to start washing up when I was stopped

"Here let me, you cooked so I'll wash up." Said Tyler

"ok. Thank you." I replied

Halfway through Tyler's washing, the pie was done so he stopped. I dished up and we all ate it with ice cream. They all thanked me after and left the kitchen. Tyler went back to washing up. I went up to him, hugged him from behind and then grabbed the tea towel and started drying. He finished washing and grabbed another tea towel. He then whacked me in the butt with it

"oh, it's on." I said and ran after him trying to hit him with mine

We were running around the island in the kitchen trying to get each other with the tea towel and it was fine. He let me get him to make it even after a bit and we both gave in. We finished drying and then went upstairs and chilled. They went live that night and I decided to sit on the island in the kitchen and watch them. I danced to the songs from the side and it was pretty fun. Tyler kept glancing and smiling at me and I smiled back to him.

That week we did the usual of TikTok, food, them going live and movies. I also checked in with my parents in the week. He did take me out for dinner one night at the cheesecake factory. We had a lovely meal and took cheesecake home with us for dessert for later as we were so full from dinner.

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