Second Person, Six

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Author's Note:

The rating has changed to M here.

For more explicit content.

Just so you know.


Second Person, Six

You were probably Gay before Grey.


Mostly, at least, or at least the fact that you didn't care so much that Derek stopped sleeping with you halfway into your marriage, should have probably tipped you off about that little fact.

The only reason Mark Sloan got you all hot and wanting that time at the Brownstone was that he was telling you about how he likes Lesbian porn and he was describing it in vivid detail so you had sex with him.

And it felt good because you weren't thinking about him. Or of Derek. Or of your stupid prom date 'Skippy Gold'. Or of men in general. You were thinking about the girls' Mark was describing and how they had been doing it with each other on camera.

You wonder what Meredith Grey would look like while having lesbian sex. But you don't want to watch a video of her with another woman. Because you'd probably throw your TV out the window in protest.

-Addison Montgomery

In her personal diary. While she's looking up lesbian stuff on the internet. And then she stops because none of it is as good as her thoughts about her real-live girl crush.


Other Author's Note:

Thank you to those who are following along like this is an amazing scavenger hunt and we're trying to find the prize at the end, and we are; or at least, Addison, is.


Much MORE thanks to AddisonAddek and LordOfLezzies on Ao3

AddisonAddek for wanting more and commenting (a heck-ton) today, plus LordOfLezzies (also, because you're super) and Hotgitay who commented yesterday.

Arahneia, AddisonAddek , Dragoncatcher123, LordofLezzies, and Hotgitay as well as 1 guest left kudos on this work! 48 hits so far.


smountain for the lovely review and 73 people for the views.


myfairlilymunster for the comments and 40 reads and 10 stars.

danielaperezsurga , JordynMarie05 , Unicornbaby78 , myfairlilymunster , outlawqueenpercabeth , and probably some others who don't show up on my phone, voted on this, thanks.

Also THANKS to everyone else who reads this someday, and to a friend in 'real-life' who beta'ed this for me. Much love.

Ps. Reccomending reading Soothe today if you want to check that out because hint-hint I might be updating it soon.


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