Second Person, Twenty-Four

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Second Person, Twenty-Four

You still enjoy talking to Mark Sloan sometimes. Even more so now that he's gotten used to the idea of you not sleeping with him anymore at all, ever again. He's found some nurses to screw around with instead of you, and I guess that arrangement suits your friendship to a T.

You're talking to Mark now because you've seen him talking to Meredith Grey just then. When you ask them both what they were talking about, Meredith just says "adultery" and then she smirks and starts to walk away sort of slowly from both you and Mark.

You have no idea why Meredith is talking about that with Mark, but then again, they were both the 'dirty mistresses once' behind yours and Derek's backs. If they had a 'secret club' about it, well I guess they would have 'meetings'.

You suddenly freak out thinking that Meredith might be having an affair behind Derek Shepherd's back with Mark. You wouldn't even be able to blame her for it, the hypocrisy would just be you as a pot calling the kettle black and she would know that (so would he, and he, you suppose, also, as well).

And Mark, you guess, catches on to your recent train of thought. Because he says out loud to both you and Meredith, "hey, Addison Montgomery, now don't you be jealous." You want to punch him in the face like Derek did, because you know he's implying that you'd be jealous of him for Meredith and not the other way around.

And Mark still doesn't know that Meredith already knows you're gay. So he probably thinks its a harmless thing but he all but spelled it out for her. And you're angry. You're so angry at him. And you're winding up for a punch.

But then you feel Meredith's hand on your shoulder. And you're shocked out of your violent angry spell. And Mark opens his eyes again and notices you're actually not about to punch him like he thought you were.

And then he smirks at you, seeing Meredith's hand on you and how it seems to make you happy. And you roll your eyes at him and you hope that Meredith can't see you do that.

And then Mark says he's going to walk away before you change your mind and give him a real smack upside the nose. And then he saunters off from you both, jeering at you all the way.

And then Meredith keeps her reassuring hand there and she asks if you want to go for chocolate. And you do, so you say yes, but that you didn't bring your car here.

So she says she'll drive and she leads you out to her car where she turns on the radio. And you don't know the song but Meredith does and she sings along and you really like her high notes.

She drives you to a farmer's market that you didn't know existed. She leads you over to a French pastier who makes you chocolate croissants.

And you eat your pain au chocolate in silence as she tells you she's glad you never punched Mark, even if he did deserve it.

You ask her why she was talking to him about adultery, and she just laughs and says it's one of the few things they have in common.

And you want to ask her if she's having an affair with him, but she says she isn't because she seems to read your mind a bit.

So you sigh audibly out in relief, and you say you're glad she's not making the same mistakes as you did.

And she says "thanks I guess" and then she just keeps eating her chocolate croissant.

Eventually, you finish your pastry and she finishes hers. But you still don't want to talk yet and she doesn't want to talk yet. And you don't want it all to be over.

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