Chapter Two

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After the fiasco with the man on the street, I was pretty sure I wasn't fond of Earth. It was embarrassing, and the place was pretty shabby.

In Heaven, it's a lot like Earth. The Good Book says that Heaven is a miraculous place with streets of gold and no suffering. They aren't entirely wrong, just mostly. Yes, there's magic and miracles everywhere you look. No, the place isn't made of rubies and gold. We have proper buildings and asphalt just like Earth. I guess you could say Heaven is just a kinder Earth. Well, it is now, anyway.

Humans think that Heaven is a peaceful getaway where their loved ones' souls go after death to rest eternally. It's a charming thought. Unfortunately for them, though we don't tell them this, is it is impossible to get into Heaven these days. Once you're dead, there's no "soul living on" anymore.

You know the story of Lucifer? Of course you do, everyone does. Wanna know a secret? He's my father. I know what you're thinking, "But the story of Lucifer was so long ago! How is that possible?" Plain and simple: Angels live forever.

Anyways, after what he did, he was banished from Heaven. How did that stop the humans from coming up here? He was a human once too. In fact, he was new to Heaven when that happened. After he was banished, human souls were no longer allowed to enter into Heaven. Everyone was afraid another Lucifer would turn up, and Heaven would once again be in dysfunctional chaos. My mother didn't know how bad my father actually was, because you're technically supposed to be good to get into Heaven. No one knows how he bypassed that law.

After pleading with the Big Guy Himself, my mother convinced everyone she didn't know he was such a horrible person and that he'd had her fooled. They believed her, and we were allowed to stay in Heaven while he was sent to hell. Sometimes I wonder if she really didn't know,

So now Heaven is just like Earth, just up higher, cleaner, and with nicer people (by far). We don't tell them because our beliefs are that life on Earth is miserable enough, so we don't want to take away the last little bit of hope they have for happiness. Plus, it's a good ploy for them to behave. Some of them anyway. I kinda missed Heaven at this point, though I'd never admit it if they asked.

Maybe I'll run into one of those nice humans trying to get to Heaven...

Blue Haired Angel-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now