Chapter Three

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I plopped down on a red and white bar stool at the counter. The waitress that came up to take my order looked at me funny, it made me wonder if she knew what I was somehow. I tried to ignore her glares and kept my face in my menu.

"Do you know what you'd like?" She asked in a monotone voice, as she pulled a notepad and a pen from her apron. She had a raspy voice, and smelled like smoke. Something I'd never experienced.

"Erm...I'll take a glass of water and an order of french fries." I'd never actually had a french fry, but I'd studied Earth delicacies at some point while I was in Heaven and read that they were a staple to almost any meal.

"Great. Would you like anything on your fries?"

"Uh, what do you offer?" I was trying to sound polite without revealing that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.

"Melted cheese, sauce, meat. What'll it be?" You could tell she was ready to be done with my order.

"Melted cheese will be fine, thank you." I handed her my menu awkwardly.

"Okay it'll be out soon." She walked away.

I stared out the diner window at the world outside. There was a young child and his mother getting into their car. The child was screaming, I feared for him. I had an angel's intuition that his mother wasn't a very nice lady, and that he probably had it coming to him when he got home. The poor darling. I wished I could help him.

That's one thing that sucked about being an angel .You could look at a person, and nine times out of ten be able to tell what kind of personality they were. Sometimes it could be really disheartening, like the child and his mother, to know that you were probably the only one that knew someone or something was in danger and there was nothing you could do about it.

You may be thinking, how would I have ever read people if this was my first time being on Earth? Angels can sometimes be privileged to peer onto Earth, and the things you see can be horrifyingly shocking. One time I saw a man about to commit adultery, and I could only fathom the pain his wife would be in when she found out.

I spun my head back around when I heard the waitress approaching again. She set my food and drink in front of me along with a piece of paper. It was a bill. I'd forgotten on Earth, you're required to pay for services with what they call money. I had none. I tried not to let my panic show. Quietly eating my fries, which in fact were pretty good, I ran a whole database of ideas through my mind of how I would get by without paying. The waitress definitely did not seem like the kind of person to fall for a poor girl who lost her money act.

After I was finished she came up to collect my money. I pretended to check my pockets, knowing I had no money but secretly hoping somehow I did. As I was conducting my pointless search, a young man came up to pay for his meal. I got a good vibe from him, but also a pinch of negativity. Then he did something shocking--He pulled out some money and said he wanted to pay for my bill, along with his own.

I could feel my face flush crimson red as I turned to him, "Thank you," I mumbled, "You really didn't have to do that though."

"I know I didn't, but I wanted to." He replied with a smile. "What's your name?"

"Azalea," I replied, "What's yours?"

"I'm Easten." His green eyes gazed into mine.

"Nice to meet you..." I looked around slightly. I didn't know what to do next so I said, "I should get going, I have to be at a...thing." I turned and tried to escape.

"Wait!" He ran after me and handed me a slip of paper. "Here's my number, we should get some coffee or something sometime. If you're interested, that is."

I had also read that "going out for coffee" with someone was a human way of asking for courtship. "Uh, yeah I'll think about it. Bye." Then I was off fast, but not so fast that he knew I was trying to escape. I looked back and he was gone.

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