Chapter Four

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I'd found a place to sleep in a hotel in the denser part of Seattle (I'd finally found out where I was). The place wasn't half bad. I'd also managed to get some money (well actually, I found some money). I had read that humans often drop and lose money in the craziest places such as in couches and in clothes pockets. In the case of the money I'd found, it was a ten dollar bill dropped on the cobblestone sidewalk. I'd come across it when I was walking obliviously the night before. Convincing the hotel manager that I'd find more money to pay, and that I desperately needed a place to stay, I now had a warm bed and a roof over my head.

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened with that young man at the diner the day before. Every time it had crossed my mind, I'd had this odd feeling. My stomach felt jittery and my face felt just shy of on fire. It was something 'd never experienced before, and I'd never read about it either. Was it some strange Earth magic? Was I under a spell? It was a feeling that was uncomfortable yet thrilling all at the same time.

I came across the piece of paper with his number on it. It was a torn piece of notebook paper with ragged edges and a semi sloppy pairing of numbers written on it. At the end was a smiley face. Should I call him and take him up on his offer? I sat down on the bed. The comforter was kind of itchy. I glaned at the phone with feelings of fear, impending guilt, and excitement bubbling up at the mere thought of calling him up. What if he had forgotten about me? What if I called at a bad time? What if I got rejected? I honestly didn't see why the humans put up with all of these feelings and stuff. The movies made it seem so desirable, but now experiencing it first hand I'd rather just go back to bed on the strange smelling pillow and stiff sheets the hotel provided.

I decided to take the chance. I sat down on the bed and hesitantly picked up the phone. I stared at the number pad for a moment, wondering if I was really going to go through with this. It felt as though I'd lost control of my fingers when they began to dial. The phone rang once, twice, three times before a voice on the other end said hello.

"H-Hi..." I stuttered, "Is this Easten?"

"Yeah, who's this?" You could hear some sort of loud music blasting in the background, and other people's voices.

"It's Azalea, from the diner? You gave me your number and told me to give you a call sometime but if it's a bad time or something then I can-"

"He cut me off, "Azalea! I had a feeling I'd be hearing from you. Lemme just step out for a minute." It grew quiet in the background, allowing me to hear his voice clearly. It was deep but yet it wasn't. There was a tone about it that indicated tranquility.

"Oh, okay."

"So, now that you've called...Wanna grab some coffee? I can get outta here really quick and pick you up. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sure."

"You're certainly a girl of few words, but I'm sure with a little pushing we can change that." He was half charming, half obnoxious, and wholly sparking my interest. "Where you at?"

"Uh, I'm staying at a hotel. I think it's called Hampton or something?"

"Nice. I can be there in ten, now run along and pretty yourself up." click He hung up and I was left sitting there wondering what in the world I'd just gotten myself into.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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