➪ New Info

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It was another typical day at Greendale. People are on their way to class, the Dean making silly announcements, and you continue to worry about your new feelings for a certain television fanatic.

You were pacing outside the study room, waiting for your friends to enter and study for Anthropology 101. You were wondering how to tell Abed your feelings. It was... scary to think about.

Don't get me wrong, you adore the guy! It's just that you don't know how he's going to react. No offense to him, but it's hard to know what he's thinking about besides movies and Inspector Spacetime.

In other words, you're fucked.

Annie walked in first and noticed how panicked you looked pacing left and right. She rushed over to you.

"Y/N?" She asks, "Are you alright? You look scared!"

"Annie, I have to tell you something, and you have to promise  you won't tell anyone until I give the all-clear, okay?" Annie's head goes up and down quickly and furiously.

Okay, just do it, rip the band-aid off, You tell yourself in your head, and yo inhaled deeply.

"I may have a slight huge crush on Abed and I don't know how to tell him because I don't know how he will handle it because he doesn't show his emotions and although that's okay I'm scared if he doesn't want to be my friend!" Annie's face transitioned from slight confusion to a bright and cheery smile.

"You like Abed?!" She squeals so loudly you put your hand on her mouth and your finger to your lips.
"Don't squeal!" You hushed her, but those goddamn doe eyes won't quit. You sigh, defeated, & retracted your hand from your mouth. "Fine, squeal."

She bursts into a little dance, squealing cheerfully again.
"Oh!" Annie jumps up and down, "this is so great! You guys will hold hands, watch romantic movies, fall in love, get married, have kids-"

Wait, what was that last one?

"Annie!" You scolded, "Slow down. Get back to the present!"
"Sorry, I'm just excited!" She stops bouncing and looks serious. "But how will you tell him?"

"I don't know." You plop yourself on the couch, letting yourself sink in. "I don't know what he's going to do with this information. And I swear to God if he puts it in his little films of us and the study group..."

Annie hums, clearly in thinking mode. Her face brightened, and you mentally prepared yourself for the plan that was about to come out of her mouth.

"Why don't we... make a deal?" Annie questions and you furrow your eyebrows, but let her continue.

"If you confess to Abed at Vaughn's concert tonight, I'll..." she sighs nervously before continuing, "I'll confess to Jeff."

Your eyes widen and it's now your turn to squeal.

"I knew it! I knew it! You like Jeff! I could see it in your face!" You point at her, jumping off the couch.

Her hand swatted your arm in a quick motion and you winced but continued to cheer. "Shut up!" It was Annie's turn to scold, her seriousness trapped in her features but her happiness painted in her toothy smile. "Do we have a deal or not?"

her hand reached out to you. A moment passed as you stared at it, considering, before shaking it.



You made a mental note to welcome Vaughn back to Greendale. The whole place was packed and ready to hear his concert. You had to admit, when you heard someone was performing at Greendale expecting someone more...famous. But this is Greendale, so what do you expect?

You sat with the group on some picnic blankets we all brought from our homes (We could've used Annie's, but she preferred not to, for reasons we know of). You look to your far right to see Annie staring at you mouthing "Do it! Do it now!" You responded by nudging your head at Jeff and mouthed to her "Do it! Do it now!" She turns away, but you could tell she was blushing.

You tap Abed's shoulder. "Can I talk to you about something?" He tilts his head and a moment passes before he nodded. "Okay."

You push yourself off the floor and walk over to an empty spot in the park. You turn around to your group to see Annie giving you two enthusiastic thumbs up. You blush, before pointing to Jeff and retaliating her actions, leaving her with a pink hue over her cheeks.

You and Abed stop at a tree, which was illuminated with golden spectacles.

"Okay," you took a deep breath in, "What I'm about to say is super important, and if you're not okay with it, I hope we can still be good frie-"

"I know you like me."

You freeze. It's so quiet you can hear your heart drumming in your chest.

"W-w- E-excuse me?"

"I know that you like me." He repeated his words. "I see the way you look at me, how your face softens and you lean in when I speak, how happy and giddy you look when you see me, how you tuck your hair in your ear, how you daydream most of the times, all of them include you staring at me-"

"Okay, it's embarrassing hearing all of this out loud," you spoke briskly, "How do you know all of this?"

"Because I like you too." The hammering in your heart stops, and you feel like your out of air to breathe from that statement he said so plainly. However, you wait for him to ruin the little moment.

"Plus, I'm kind of the main character of the story, and it would make sense for someone in the supporting cast to fall in love with the main character." There it is.

Ignoring that little segment (and wondering if you were that boring to be one of the supporting cast, and who else could be in the cast), you quickly fixed yourself and broke the comfortable silence.

"So..." you trailed off, "Would you...Maybe, like to go out sometime?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and stared at you and you shiver from his eyes. Finally, he responded. "Sure."


"Cool cool cool," he finished, a little smile painted on his face. You nodded and turned to walk back to the concert, but not before running back up to him to give him a little peck on the cheek. He put his fingers on the spot you kissed him and smiled wider this time. Blushing like a tomato, you run back over to the group, where Annie was waiting for you by another tree.

"Did you do it?" Annie asked excitedly, and the smile on your face answered for her. She squealed and cheered for you, receiving looks from people who passed.

"Did you confess to Jeff?" You asked, and she stopped cheering and gave you a nervous look. You furrow your eyebrows. "Annie? Did you?"

"Well..." she trailed off and scratched the back of your neck. And you finally realized.

"Annie Edison!"


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