➪ Secret Girlfriend

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In which the group wants to set Abed up with a girl, but they don't know about you.

You watch as the infamous study group (mostly the girls) squeal and cheer after finding out there was someone who had a crush on Abed. The corners of your mouth drive upwards as you watch them with happiness. You feel bad for them because you knew that girl, and she doesn't like Abed at all, actually. She likes his lookalike (which is really crazy that we have doppelgangers).

Actually, you wouldn't mind at all if someone had a crush on Abed. Who could blame them? He was nice, cute, sweet. He's the perfect guy! You should know, you were dating him. You know that, and so does he. And he made sure that you were his.

You're now in lunch, waiting to be served food. It was okay if you prefer hair to be in your meatballs. After you had your poisonous food, you were about to head outside to eat, when a hand yanks you in a classroom with no person in it besides you and who you found out to be Abed.

"Abed?" You asked, "Are you okay?" He was pretty hard to read sometimes, but you can tell he was a little on edge.

He stays still for a moment before looking at you. "I want you to meet the study group."

You stand still after wondering how a simple sentence can rattle you up easily. "W-What?" You stammer.

"I know you wanted to keep a secret because you're afraid you won't be liked much, but I can't keep on leading the group on with the fact that someone that I don't even know likes me, and I want to let them know I have someone I love." There was a lot of emotion in his little speech that it made you speechless, but guilty. 'Did I really let him lead his friends on because of my own fears?'

"You... love me?" You asked, happy when he nodded. You still felt that little rock in your best called guilt.

"Abed..." you embrace him tightly, nuzzling your head in his chest, "I'm sorry that I made you lie to your friends about us. If you want me to meet them, then I will."

"Cool," he says, a grin plastered on his face, "Cool cool cool."

"Cool," you replied while grabbing his hands before placing your lips on his for a couple of seconds. You pull back, your hands intertwined. "And I love you too."


As you fiddle with your fingers and bounce your legs, you wait for the study group to finally show. Abed wanted you to be like those people where they spin in a chair with a pet saying "I've been expecting you...", but after reminding him that there are no spinning chairs in the study room, you planned to just sit on the couch, waiting to be introduced.

You can hear the group talking down the hallway and you feel like your going to explode with enthusiasm and anxiety.

The first person to notice was Shirley. She looked quickly at the couches and turned away before having to do a double-take to see if Jesus was testing her. "Um..." she said with uncertainty, which caused the group to look at you, except Abed, who wasn't there with them.

"Who the hell are you?" Pierce points, as Jeff smack him on the head.

"Sorry, but we don't want another person in our Spanish project," Britta rudely stated, assuming you wanted to be in a project you already finished.

"Oh! Uh- I don't want to be in your group," you waved them off and they send you a look of confusion. Everyone wants to be in the group. You stand up when you see Abed. "I'm actually waiting for him."

When he sees you, his eye light up, and he strolls over to you and gives you a peck on the cheek. You feel your cheeks heat up tremendously. The group's gaze when from you to Abed once or twice before their eyes widen.

Jeff, the least who cares but the most confused, slowly asks, "So, you and Abed are..."

You perk up. "Together, yes." Realizing you didn't even say your name, you step towards them with a hand raised in front of them. "I'm Y/N. I know all of your names- mostly because Abed tells me a lot about you guys."

Your eyes met Troy, Abed's close friend. You would hear so many things about him, and your glad that Abed has made a good friend. Since he is the least flabbergasted, he takes your hand and shakes it firmly. You smile at him. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N, forgive them, they didn't think Abed could get a girlfriend."

Annie hits him on the arm. "Troy!" she scolds, "We didn't think that! We're just... surprised, that's all."

Britta agrees, "We didn't know that he had a secret girlfriend! Can you blame us?"

"Oh, no, I don't blame you," you consoled them and switched your gaze to Abed, "We wanted to keep it a secret for a while, but we talked and I decided that I should meet you guys. From what I heard, you guys are pretty cool, so I definitely want to get to know you guys better" You explained, and they seemed to relax. Abed slips his hand in yours and you smile at him. Annie and Shirley 'aww' at the gesture.

"Well, now that we got this settled," you yanked your Spanish book out of your bag and beamed at them, "I already finished my project, so if you guys want help." Cheers and 'thank goodness''s came out of everyone's mouth as they grab another chair and place you with them, talking about other things instead of the project.

Abed watches you smile with his friends, the ones he never thought he would have. He never thought he could score someone as great as you, or as good friends like them, but he's thankful for this moment that was given to him.

𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙. 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙. - Community FanficsWhere stories live. Discover now