➪ Drunk Calls and Funny Confrontations

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In which Jeff calls you, intoxicated, and you let him know that you care for him.

Jeff shoots the liquid down his throat, the taste stinging his tongue. It was 10:00 in the evening, and he wasn't the only poor soul in the bar.

Ever since Slater and Britta confessed to Jeff, he doesn't know what to do with himself. He likes both of them, but he knows they have to choose one. What made it even worse is that they despise each other, and that hate would be latched onto him if he picked either one.

He wasn't the one to make decisions. If he had to make one, he would have lied about it, like when he was a lawyer. But this is important. When two fantastic and beautiful women-a smart & hot professor who you flirt with during the class and can help you be a better person, and someone's pants you want to get in but it turns out that she's a smart, amazing woman who takes no shit, it would be a tough decision.

He orders two, three, then ten more. His limbs becoming weaker and his walk has a stumble to it. How anybody didn't stop him walking out of the bar is beyond me.

The distance from the bar to his apartment wasn't long, but it was hard to walk there if you can't even walk at all.

He manages to open the front door, but as soon as he feels something in his throat, he runs to the nearest object, which was a plant that Annie asked him to take care of while she was on vacation. He emptied his stomach into the dirt, wiping his residue off his face, and groggily walks to the bedroom. He wonders how he's gonna tell Annie that he was so careless that he vomited in her plant while drunk.

He belly-flops onto the mattress and lay there until he felt bored and started to scroll on his phone, wanting to call someone, anyone who would be willing to listen. Jeff randomly picks one of his contacts on the phone and starts to ramble.


You walk into the study room, a smirk on your face. Your walk was radiating confidence, and you have never been brighter in your whole life.

You open the door to the study room where Jeff was leaning back on his seat, shades covering his eyes.

You leaned over to his ear. "Good morning Jeff!" You shouted and laughed as he jumped from his seat so fast, his shades falling off his face.

He glared at you while holding his head. "Hi," he tiredly replied, "and can you not be loud?"

You sat at your designated seat beside Jeff. "Sorry," you apologized, though you didn't actually mean it, "So, how was your night?"

"Spectacular," he replied sarcastically and you rolled your eyes, "Wait," he turned to you, "How did you know..."

"That you went drinking?" You smirked deviously at him, "When you went out, I got a call from somebody at about one in the morning. Does that sound familiar to you?"

Jeff furrows his eyebrows at you. "Y/N, what are you talking about..." he trails off as you take out your phone from your pocket. He visibly tenses up. "Oh, no."

"Oh yes, Jeff," you smiled innocently at him as you press play.

"Heyyy...whoever I'm calling, *hic* How are youuuu doooinnngg? Ahhh...I'm so drunk right now. So, what uuuup? *hic* Annnnywayyys, I just wanted call to tell you I looooove youuu. I hope this goes to Britta. Or Slater. Or a snail. Heh. Snails are soooo cool. What am I thinking? This is stupid. I don't know what to do. I like both of them so much. I mean, Slater is mature, smart, sexy, and cool, someone I can get along with. And Britta, Britta is... well... she's Britta, and that's a compilment...or is it compliment? Compl... Now I'm confused.

"I think the issue is that they love me, but I like them. And there is a huuuuge bUG! Ah! Sorry, that was a cockroach with wings. Anyway, I think I just want someone who gets me, and can understand my fears when I'm at my all time low. So..."

You pressed pause midway the voice mail and Jeff raises an eyebrow. "Did you pause it because there is more embarrassing stuff you can't play out loud?"

"No. You proceeded to rant about snails that you started to bore yourself and went to sleep," you summarized, and he threw his head in his hands.

You moved you chair so that it faced him. "Jeff," you placed your hand on his shoulder and he looked up at you.

"Normally I would make fun of you and mention this to everyone I speak to, but I'm going to move this on to a serious note." You can see his eyes soften.

"You know you can talk to us, right? To me?" You asked, and when he didn't answer, you sighed. "Look, your 'I'm so cool, I'm a lawyer with hard abs' act may work for everyone, but it won't work on me. I see right through you. Not everyone can be cool all the time. Sometimes they break down. I get how hard it is to make a choice when two girls tell you they love you. Well, it's never happened to me before, but I can understand stress. Also, this study group that you created, can also be your safe haven. You want to talk about something, we can talk."

Jeff looked like he was about to argue, but once he saw how serious and concerned you were, he let out a sigh. "Thanks," he said, and you grinned, nodding.

"But if you do send that out, you are dead," Jeff points at your phone.

"Please, you love me too much," you teased, and waved at your friends entered the room, and Jeff smiles at you.

Yeah, he just might.

𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙. 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙. - Community FanficsWhere stories live. Discover now