➪ You Should Be With Me - Abed Headcanon

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In which Jeff notices how glum you are with Abed and his new friend and he helps you.

- Okay so

- You really like Abed. Like, really like him

- Words cannot describe how much you like him

- So when you see him and this other girl, and they are talking and laughing, you feel a little sad, jealous, gloomy

- He should be laughing at your jokes, he should be with you

- Don't get me wrong, he can talk to whoever he wants, but you just can't help feeling like this

- Jeff, the only person who notices everything, sees you acting gloom from his peripheral vision.

- He sighs at what he's about to do, and nudges you. You look at him confused. "Do you need something?"

- He nods, "yes. I'm gonna need you to meet me at the study room after school."

- "What? Why?" You ask, even more confused.

- "Because I need to help you grow up and stop holding back your feelings for Abed." You shush him with your finger on his lips. "Stop being so freaking loud!"

- But knowing Jeff he doesn't care, and he awaits for your answer. You sigh and facepalm. "Fine."

- "Thank you for complying and finally growing up."

- "Shut up, Jeff."

- So you and Jeff meet up after school. Him knowing you, he knows how awkward you can be when confessing, so he has to try to attempt to get your feelings into words

- He never thought it would be this hard. He never seemed to realize it until he helped you. Was this how it was like for him? He finally understands you a bit more after this

- Eventually, you guys wrote it down on paper and you have to memorize it, which you do.

- So tomorrow is today, and you catch up to Abed after Spanish 101.

-"Abed!" You call, and he turns to see you. "I need to tell you something. Something important."

-He hums and then shakes his head. "No, can't. I have something to do with Courtney." So that's what her name was.

- "Abed, this can't really wait," you say quickly, you have to get this in, you need to tell him now. It can't be tomorrow or later, later is too late. "But I really have to-"

- "Abed please don't make this harder than it has to be!" you didn't mean to shout, or give you both unwanted attention.

- Now or never

- And you confess to him. I would write it down, but I can't. Not because I'm lazy or anything, but she forgot half of the letter, and I didn't want you to feel the second embarrassment that I felt, so I will save that embarrassment by adding that she spoke from the heart, telling him how she doesn't like him, but loves him. She sincerely said it in front of the whole school, and maybe some tears fell out.

- I didn't know if it was because Abed wanted you to be quiet, wanted to get the long speech over with,  or it was because it's something an actor would do in a movie, but he grabs your face and places his lips on yours. Some people clap, some cheered, but neither of you noticed it, nor cared.

- Once you pulled away he whispers, "I know you like me."

- What

- The

- Hell

- "Excuse me?" you whispered back.

- "Courtney noticed how much I like you and you like me, so we set up a thing to make you jealous and try to confess. I would've confessed but I wanted you to break out of your shell and be confident, like you done when you told me."

- "I honestly don't know if I should feel mad for your plan or appreciated about how you wanted me to be more confident."

- "You can be both," Abed said, before taking your hand and running out of the hallway.

- Jeff watched, clapping with the crowd as well, happy that you're happy. He then notices that feeling and feels weird and that he has no idea why he sees you as his daughter. So much for being a family.

𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙. 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙. - Community FanficsWhere stories live. Discover now