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The next morning, Izuku woke up in his bed, laying on his stomach with a blanket carefully tucked around him. The blanket was soft, and not at all annoying on his wings like he would have assumed it would be.

That was when Izuku felt like he had been punched in the face.


Izuku had a quirk. That was the only explanation to the new limbs on his back. Right? He was just a late bloomer. But then what about his pinky toe? It had two joints. It was physically impossible for him to have a quirk. But there was no other way to explain them. Quirks were the only powers a person could have.

His thoughts were interrupted by his father opening his bedroom door to see him pacing the length of his room as he thought. When had he begun doing that?

"Oh, good, you're awake. There are some people here to see you. They said they have an explanation for your new, er, abilities." He explained, gesturing vaguely towards Izuku's new wings that just barely didn't touch the ground behind him.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." His father nodded in response as he left, closing the door behind him.

Izuku quickly grabbed a pair of scissors from his drawer and cut off the shirt that had been torn when his wings had exploded from his back the night before. Izuku winced at the memory of what else had happened that night before turning back to his closet and picking out an old shirt that he didn't really care about much.

He cut out a good chunk of the back in a circular shape, leaving the top and bottom connected before snipping the bottom, creating two pieces. connected only at the top. Izuku then pulled the shirt over his head and tied the bottom together beneath the wings. It wasn't the best solution, but it would do for now. Better than not wearing a shirt at all.

As he made his way downstairs, Izuku could hear what sounded like an older man talking. Deciding now was as good a time as any to interrupt, he walked into the kitchen where they were all sat down.

There were two men Izuku didn't recognize sitting across from his father. One was bald and sitting in a wheelchair that looked more expensive than everything Izuku owned combined. The other had his arms crossed across his chest. Even sitting, Izuku could tell he wasn't very tall, but the scowl on the man's face told him he really shouldn't comment on it.

"Hi," Izuku waved awkwardly as all attention was now on him. "Um, I'm Midoriya Izuku, er, uh, actually, Izuku Midoriya. Right?" He looked to his father for help, and the man just nodded with a chuckle. Three years and he could still barely introduce himself.

"Hello, Izuku. My name is Professor Charles Xavier. This is my associate, Logan." The bald one greeted, gesturing to himself and his friend. "Please, sit. We're here to talk about your powers."

The casualness that he spoke with made Izuku reel. These things that would forever be connected to a traumatic incident and he was talking about them as if they were morning news on the television.

Izuku sat.

"So, you were diagnosed quirkless at six before moving here just a bit later, right?" The man asked.

Izuku held back the urge to say "Moving is a nice way to put it" as he nodded.

"Yet, you have wings that have appeared last night." Izuku nodded again, despite it not being a question. "While it is more rare than gaining a quirk, some people have a different genetic mutation called the X-Gene. Instead of these powers appearing around four years old, these usually appear around puberty or due to a traumatic or stressful situation. Some will even appear before or right after birth."

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