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So, I'm just gonna say 'fuck that' to the X-men timeline(s?) because they're so fucking confusing, and I want to use characters that exist in that universe, despite this taking place in the future. There may be characters that don't even go to Xavier's school in the story as students. Again, 'fuck that' to the timeline.


The next week was spent packing up things he would need for his room in the dorms that they had at the school. Charles had informed them that he would be sharing with another boy, but he could decorate half of the room however he wanted. Each room was equally split in half with a desk, bed, and bulletin board on each side. There was a communal bathroom at the end of each hallway with shower stalls and sinks that each hallway shared.

Izuku had decided to bring his notebooks and a few photos with his dad for the bulletin. He also had one picture from when he still lived with his mother. It was in a frame and he hadn't looked at it in at least a year if the fact that it was shoved into the back of his closet was any indication. Though, he decided to bring it anyway.

Izuku had also filled out his class schedule. He had wanted to take the hero class right away, but until he really perfected his mutation, he wouldn't be admitted. Good news, it was only one year long and you could take the Pro Hero License Exam. And there was no age limit on getting a license, so as long as he really spent the first year working on his quirk, he would be able to get into the hero class and (hopefully) become a hero by the time he was eleven.

A week after the meeting, on Thursday at four in the afternoon, Izuku left his other parent behind, this time of his own volition.

"I'll miss you, Izuku. Be sure to call often. I'll see you for fall break in a while, okay?"

Izuku, ever the crier, just bawled as he wrapped his arms around his father, trying his best to respond, but the tears stopped any of the words he may have been able to force out at the moment.

Once he gained his voice again, he finally replied.

"I will. I'll miss you, too. I'll work hard while I'm there so I can become a hero, then I'll come back to you and show you my hero license."

His father nodded, tears brimming in his eyes. Izuku wasn't sure he'd ever seen his father cry.

They hugged again before Izuku made his way to the car waiting on the street outside the house. Logan was driving, so Izuku felt a little better knowing that he already knew someone at the school.

"You nervous, kid?" Logan asked as Izuku slid into the seat next to him.

"Yeah, just a little," A hand wrapped around his shoulder and he looked up to see Logan staring down at him with a little grin on his face.

"I'm sure everyone will like you. Just remember that a lot of these kids have pretty bad pasts, so don't go asking about their past if you start asking about their mutation, alright?" Izuku nodded resolutely. He just hoped nobody would absolutely hate him.

At school, Logan lead him to a room with his suitcase in tow. As they opened the door, Izuku saw a boy inside. He seemed to be meditating as he floated above the bed, legs crossed and body seeming to glow. Izuku was hesitant to interrupt (it seemed like a private moment) but Logan had no qualms disrupting the other boy's peace.

"Billy, your roommate is here." He called out, knocking on the door.

The boy's glow faded as he slowly dropped onto the bed. When his eyes opened, he smiled at the shorter boy as he stood in the doorway.

"It's your room, too. Come on in," He got up off the bed and walked over, offering his hand. "I'm Billy Kaplan, nice to meet you."

Izuku took the hand, shaking it as he rushed to introduce himself.

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