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This information is based on my own headcanon. Yes, their powers are based off of the actual canon, but anything else is my own canon (except height, Izuku is just a short boi).


Izuku Midoriya (Cataclysm)

Age: 15

Height: 5' 5"

Mutation: Large, black wings protruding from his back that allow flight. 'Bad luck' that can be directed at anything, living or not. Bad luck cannot change the makeup of an object or person and it cannot change reality (he cannot make something appear that is not there or change what something is made of).

Ex. He can make a branch fall on your head or make a sink hole beneath a person. He can not make a bucket of water appear over someone's head or suddenly make their clothing be made of beetles.

Notes: Eyes will glow white while 'bad luck' mutation is in use.

William "Billy" Kaplan (Wiccan)
Age: 16

Height: 5' 8"

Mutation: The ability to cast spells that can warp reality. This allows teleportation, telekinesis, healing, flight, clairvoyance, and conjuring (among other things).

Notes: Dating Theodore "Teddy" Altman. Plans to propose next spring.

Idie Okonkwo (Oya)
Age: 16

Height: 5' 8"

Mutation: The ability to alter the temperature around her. This gives her the ability to create ice and fire anywhere on her body. Requires the presence of cold to make heat and the presence of heat to make cold.

Notes: Left eye glows red and right eye glows blue when mutation is in use. Name pronounced 'ih-dyay'. Christian; does not talk to god, but will yell at him from time to time.

Noriko Ashida (Surge)

Age: 17

Height: 5' 7"

Mutation: The ability to absorb the electricity around her and expel it from her body. Without gauntlets, she cannot control the amount she absorbs and will lose the ability to control her power.

Notes: Born and raised in Japan until her father kicked her out, not believing she had a power after being diagnosed quirkless. Used to control mutation using drugs.

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