Doesn't Look Okay To Me

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Aimes Pov.
The next week was full of training. But not Team USA training, smart training, Duck training. Charlie, Dad, Jan and I were up late watching the Iceland game on tape so we could learn from our mistakes. Oh yeah! Did I mention Jan came to visit! He was the one to talk some sense into Dad. Count on Jan or Hans to be the one to set dad straight. I love their family!

“We’ve got a lot of work to do. We’ve gotta study our opponents and study ourselves” Dad smiled at us “We have to learn from our mistakes”

Adam came into the room holding a coffee for me. He handed it to me before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the top of my head. I looked up and both Charlie and Dad were glaring at him.

“Boys! That’s enough” I raised an eyebrow “Focus”

I pointed back to the tv.

“Luis, your speed is a great weapon. Now you must learn to harness it” Jan told Luis.

We’d set up a tower of pop cans to try and get him to stop. I stood behind the wall.

“But if I don’t stop. I’ll knock into Aimes and she’ll kill me” Luis looked nervous.

“Oh I’m not the only one” I smirked, pointing into the stands.
Standing with their arms crossed were Charlie, Adam, Guy and Fulton. Luis gulped from nervousness, then proceeded to start training. Long story short. I was definitely bruised by the time Luis had almost gotten it.

Dad made us do some good drills. Like crawling on our knees while holding onto our sticks, also it was funny to watch the others since I made it there first. Dad yelled at everyone, but in a fun way this time.

We also did more off ice work, which was good. We were running on treadmills.

“Looking good Amethyst” Dad said as he jumped on the back of my treadmill

“Thanks dad” I smiled

I was suddenly lifted up and swung upside down. 

“Dad! Put me down!” I laughed, all the others did too.

We took turns shooting at Goldberg. Me getting every single puck in. I looked over at Adam. He was of course going great as always, but he didn’t seem to be doing his full, which was definitely not normal. I had to talk to him about it, and I don’t care if he won’t anymore, he’s injured and it’s gonna get worse.

I laughed as Charlie carried me on his back into the locker room.

“Charlie put me down a sec I think I left my water bottle on the ice” I lied

“I’ll meet you in the room Sis” he smiled

“You got it brother” I smiled back.
I hid in the girls showers until all the guys were gone. 

“Banks let’s go!” I heard Portman yell

“Yeah I’ll be right there” Adam called back.

Once I heard Portman leave I turned the corner. Just as I suspected. Adam was sitting there, wrapping up his wrist. I sighed, leaning against the shower room door.

“Doesn’t look okay to me” I sighed

Adam’s head quickly shot up hearing my voice. 

“Amethyst I-

“Why didn’t you tell me!” I exclaimed walking up to him

“I didn’t want you to worry” he sighed “and I also knew you’d tell someone”

“Damn straight!” I yelled

“No! Amethyst, you can't tell!” he yelled at me.

I was taken back. Adam never yells at me. He looked sorry for a second before turning almost angry.

“Just go” he mumbled, sitting back down on the bench.

I shook my head

“No. No I’m not going to let you keep playing with your hands injured like that! Do you want to do permanent-

“I said go!” Adam stood up, full on yelling in my face “Just get out!” he yelled again.

I hadn’t even noticed tears start to form in my eyes until they fell down my cheeks. I was scared, and angry, but mostly sad. Why wasn’t he letting me help him? It hurt me to see him hurt, but it hurt more to see him angry at me. I didn’t see his reaction, I just ran. 

Again with the running. Since when do I run from stuff? I don’t know. I just ran down the falls until I felt too drained to run anymore. I sat by myself in a hallway, my back up against the wall, crying. I hadn’t cried this hard since the day my dad slapped me, then I cried more remembering everything my dad did to me. The painful memories turned to bitter sweet memories of my family. When we were together, when we were happy. I wanted Adam beside me, or Charlie, or Guy, or just somebody. I was starting to feel anxious and the breathing was getting heavy. Suddenly I felt a presence beside me. I looked up, it was Julie.

“Hey girl. You alright?” She gave me a soft smile.

I shook my head before I dove into her arms crying more. She shushed me and stroked my hair, trying to stop the panic attack I was basically having. 

“You wanna tell me what happened?” She encouraged me.

“Adam yelled at me” I sighed, once my breathing had calmed down, but it just made me sob more. I could barely hear my own thoughts. At one point I thought I heard her talking to someone, but I couldn’t focus enough to hear. Julie wiped the hair from my face and smiled at me.

“I think he’s just stressed a bit Aimes. Cause I’ve seen you two together, and that boy looks at you like you’re the only girl left on earth” she softly chuckled, so did I.

It was nice getting advice from another girl. Connie was amazing, and I love her, but she’s horrible at giving advice.

“I really like Adam. I guess I’m just a bit shaken up. He’s never yelled like that before” I sighed

“Aw it’s alright girl. Trust me, in a couple minutes he’ll be running down this hallway chasing after his Queen” she smiled

I did too.

“Thanks Julie. You’re a great friend” I smiled

“Right back at ya Bombay” she pulled me into a side hug.

I was still crying, but I felt a lot better.


Have i just left y'all with a clif hanger???

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