9. Under conditions

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"Giselle! We already thought you were lost somewhere" exclaims Bailee once they are in her field of vision and Thomas is slightly startled by the scream of my friend.

"Are you scared, big boy?" I joke nudging him in the arm and he rolls his eyes. I don't have time to react when Thomas puts his arm through my shoulder and brings me dangerously close to him. I feel like I'm gasping for breath when I feel his breath in my ear and his lips brushing against me.

"The big boy does a lot of things but believe me, being scared is not one of them." My eyes widen because of his declaration and now, I'm the one who is overwhelmed. Why the hell has he done that? He smirks at me before looking straight at my friends, pulling me closer to him.

As soon as we are in front of them, an awkward silence is formed in the battle looks. My friends, they look up and down at Thomas but have different impressions of him and I know it thanks to their transparent faces. Bailee thinks he's pretty handsome and well, I can't blame her. I wonder if Thomas has this effect on every girl he meets and if so, what he does about it. The first time I met him, he seems pretty shy to me but tonight, he was a whole different person. Maybe he drank too much? Or does he trust me enough? Uhm, I wouldn't say you need to trust someone to make out with someone but.... I don't know, I really don't. What terrifies me the most is what will happen after tonight. He seemed very comfortable afterwards but I don't know if I would be able to be so calm. I mean, he kissed me. Should I pretend like nothing? Or talk to him?

Instead, Blake doesn't look very happy to see him. I pull away slightly from Thomas, making his arm fall on his side and I embrace myself, uncomfortable about the situation. He looks serious, maybe even trying to look dominant but it's impossible because he has such a baby face. Thomas, meanwhile, looks pretty amused and confused. What if Blake thinks we're together and tell Reece? oh, anyways, why would Thomas bother him? why would Reece bother if he didn't want to come in the first place? 

"Why don't you introduce your friend to us?" Bailee asks with a teasing smile but it doesn't seem funny to his boyfriend.

"Hmmm-" I murmur uncomfortable under Blake's watchful eye and Thomas take it as a hint to do it for me.

"I'm Thomas, Giselle's classmate and friend. Nice to meet ya." He smiles shyly at Bailee who hugs him taking him by surprise and later, he shakes hands with Blake.

Blake say something under his breath but I don't get to hear it , instead of Bailee who has done it and hit him after before saying to cut the tension, "I am so happy that I finally met you all. Giselle has told me a lot about you." Thomas looks at me playfully and I just cover my face because of the embarrassment they're putting me through.

"I've talked about all of you" I exclaim putting emphasis in "all", trying to save a little of the dignity that has been taken to the ground with just one sentence. I don't know Thomas very much but I know he's going to mention this to me over and over, just to piss me off.

"Yeah, right. It's getting late so we'd better go right now" Blake demands sharply and I mouth Bailee What is wrong with him? and she just shrugs, having no clue herself. 

"Yeah, he has to take a bus later. It's been a pleasure, Thomas." Bailee says goodbye politely and they start walking slowly so we're on our own.

"So... " I start saying to break the ice but nothing else comes out of my mouth. I don't know if it's because I really don't know what to say to him or if I should apologize for Blake's behavior.

"I had a great time with you tonight." Thomas comments with a smirk.

"It's been fun" I regret my words the moment Thomas laughs. Did I really have to say that? Couldn't I think of something better?

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