10. I knew it

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It is Monday again and I wonder where the desire to start the university I had at the beginning of September went. I'm on my way to college with Jake to update each other's lives considering I haven't seen him all this weekend and haven't been able to talk to him. Hopefully, he manages to clear up for me a little bit the doubts I have running through my head about whatever I'm going to find when I enter my class.

"I've got good news!" Jake announces me putting his arm over my shoulders.

"What is it? You gotta tell me!" I shout excitedly and he laughs.

"Try to guess it" I scoff at his answer and try to think of something that could have happened this last weekend.

"Has Marvel already released the new trailer for the new Avengers movie?" I question and he mouths we wish. "I don't like this game, could you already say it?"

We reached the door of his faculty which is a short distance from mine and I force him to stand on his feet. Is he really going to leave me with this intrigue until we meet at the end of classes today? I hate that they tell me that and then they hide their hand. This only increases my anxiety and I'm not in the mood today for that.

"Okay, I'll tell you" he finally says and I wait for him to go on. "I am already officially part of the fraternity" 

I jump excited and give him a huge hug, "I'm so happy for you! I knew they would see your worth!" Jake rests his head on mine and you don't have to see him to know he's smiling proudly. He has succeeded.

 "But nobody should know it yet, they are in pre-selection." he says as we pull apart from each other and I gaze at him confused. What?

"That doesn't make any sense" I ask confused.

"Let's say that my friend has pulled some strings and they have already secured me a place." Jake shrugs and I nod understanding. That's what having good contacts makes, I think to myself. "And what are you up to today?" he asks crossing his arms over his chest looking straight at me. Shit, that pose is hot.

"Why are you asking?" I reply confused once I've shaked these thoughts.

"Don't get me wrong but you look prettier than usual.", he just says and I just blush, why the f**k I do that every time someone say something nice to me? I need it to stop because it's getting embarrassing.

"Oh, thank you Jakey!" I tease him.

"Don't call me that ever again", he threatens me and I put my hand up in surrender, "Is it a boy, right? You met someone in that party" I open my eyes wide because of his power of deduction but I quickly recover my composure, but not in time, "I knew it, I just knew it"

"I'm going to be late if I say here any longer, so have a nice day Jakey!" I wave goodbye at him  quickly and he just roll his eyes before getting in.

I walk slowly up the stairs and I'm still tired. I should exercise more but I know this is a lie that I tell myself, why lie? I go to the toilet near my class, I put the lipstick on my lips and after that, I go to my class. I get nervous when I see the girls talking on the stairs next to our class but I let the air out when I don't see Thomas. What should I say when I see him? Do we talk a little like always or is he going to talk to me more?

"Girl, you're late!" Lizzy screams pointing at her watch and I tell her to fuck off.

"We have saved you a place, you have been lucky. Because the class is full today and we know that you don't like sitting at the back."

"I like that but I get distracted easily", I add 

"Why were you late?" Jane asks.

"As usual, I was on my way with Jake and we stopped to talk. Nothing new, why?"

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