13. Let me guide you

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I walk down the stairs to get out of the main classroom building and let the air in. God, how can it be so hot in those classes? Luckily, one of the teachers has not come today and they have allowed us to leave two hours before, which I appreciate because I am already starting to get stressed with so much work. And speaking of projects, I should start making the video for Professor X's subject because I see that I won't have time once the exams get closer and I would like to focus on them.

I was thinking what to do this afternoon when I get a message from ... Reece !? My heart stops the moment I see the notification and I quickly look up. Should I answer him now or wait a few minutes so that I don't seem desperate to receive his message? What if it is an emergency?

Not wanting me to have an anxiety attack from waiting any longer, I open the conversation.

Reece: Hey, it's me, Reece!! How r u?

Giselle: I'm out of classes, so pretty good jajaja and u?

Reece: I wish, I have two hours left :(

We send each other a few messages about how things are going, how about George ... until I have an idea. What if I go to Leicester to record? I decide to send him a message before I have time to back down.

Giselle: Actually... do you have plans for today?

I quickly lock the phone seconds later when I see that Reece has entered the chat. God, what if I'm making a fool of myself? What if he's busy? What if Blake and Bailee haven't said anything to him? I was about to delete the message when he replies.

Reece: Not really, maybe study and play some video games with George, why do you ask?

Giselle: It doesn't matter then.

Reece: Tell meee!!! are you okay?

Giselle: yeah, it's just that I have to make a video about places you can visit around the university and I don't know, I had thought about going to Leicester to record and such. 

Pleaseee get the hint. I pray for that while I bite my lip eager for his message. What if he doesn't get it? I know guys have a hard time catching them, but I think this one is pretty straightforward, right? The notification sounds and I jump excited.

Reece: Do you want me to go with you?

Giselle: It would be great to have someone who knows the area but if you're busy it doesn't matter.

Reece: Fuck George, he'll surely understand. So ... what time do you want us to meet?

OH MY GOSH. OH. MY. GOSH. God, I was so convinced that he wasn't going to be able to hang out that I hadn't thought for an hour. Which will suit him best?

Giselle: Is it good for you to meet at half past three? Or is it too soon?

Reece: That works for me.  Listen, I have to go back to class, I'l talk to you once I'm out so we can agree on the details, okay? x.

I let out all the air I was holding and can't help but smile to the point where my face hurts. I look at the time and see that it is twelve o'clock. I go quickly to campus because I have to eat and change my clothes. I can't meet Reece wearing a T-shirt and joggers. Will I have time to do it all?

- - - -

I watch through the bus window as the trees and cars move. I move my foot nervously from top to bottom, surely making the person next to me nervous but I don't care. How do you expect me to feel when I see the sign indicating that we are entering the city of Leicester? Reece can be anywhere going to our meeting place. At the moment I am grateful that I only ate one sandwich at lunchtime because I know that I would be feeling sick now if I had eaten something else.

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