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Nick's POV

I was just walking to my last class when I heard chants from a different hall. Adi, Jojo, my best friends, and I ran to the different hall.

There was four boys crowded around a girl. It was Amaya Jackson, the girl that was bullied for everything and it was our "job" to save her.

"Stop!" I yelled as I ran up, pushing the crowd.

"Leave her alone!" Cenna yelled, joining us.

"Off!" Jojo yelled, shoving one of the boys. Amaya took the chance to run.

"Amaya!" I yelled.

"Don't touch her ever again!" Adi yelled as the four boys ran off.

"They won't listen, Adi." Cenna said, bro hugging him.

"I know." Adi sighed.

"You ok, Nick?" Jojo asked.

"Yeah." I said. "I just want to maybe talk to her, but she always runs off from me."

"I know." Jojo said, rubbing my back.

"Let's get to Computers." Cenna said and we ran to class, because we were already late.

We ran into class, we took our seats in the same row as our teacher walked in with Amaya behind her.

"Get in your seat." Mrs. Lane, our teacher said. Amaya took her seat behind me. "Today, you are just waiting for the bell to ring."

"Yes!" People cheered.

"Hey, Amaya." I said, turning around, hoping to talk to her.

Amaya had a notepad open and she was writing. She didn't look up, but kept on writing. Jojo turned me back to their conversation as I sighed.

"Don't worry about it, Nick." Jojo said, patting my back.

"We have the whole summer and don't forget, she moved in front of us, last week." Cenna said.

"Oh yeah." I said.

The bell rang, after forty minutes and we took off. We ran to Jojo's car, but we got back out as we saw a crowd forming. We ran to see that Amaya wasn't in it. We ran back to the car.

Amaya was no where in sight. We stayed there for a moment and saw Amaya going around the school. She saw us, looking at her and nodded.

She pulled up her hood, getting in her skateboard and took off down the road. We went home to see Amaya being pulled inside her house.

"I bet her parents are strict." Cenna said and we nodded, going inside the Free Time house.

"Really strict." I said.

I wenr to the living room and looked out the window to see Amaya, being thrown out of the house. Someone threw water over here and it was extremely cold. They threw another thing at her, making her pass out.

I ran outside and Jojo came with me, because he also was watching. He called the police, us now knowing it was abusive parents.

I picked Amaya up and ran her inside the house. Tal grabbed a towel and we wrapped her up and I set her on the couch in between me and Cenna.

I had my arm around her when she woke up. She stood up and looked around. By now, there was a police officer talking to Tal and her parents were being taken to jail.

"It's all over." I said and she attacked me with a hug.

She was crying. She pulled Cenna into the hug and, eventually, she was hugging everyone. Then she looked at me, pulling away.

"Wait. That mean they are coming after me next." Amaya said and took off outside.

Jojo, Cenna, Adi and I chased her all the way to the park, until she just disappeared. I sighed.

"Amaya!" I yelled, but no answer.

Jojo our his arm around me and we walked back to the house. The officer was going to file a report and we need to keep a look out for her.

Then the officer left.

Then they was a knock at the door...

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