Chapter 1: Class Trial

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As soon as we got off the elevator, we see.. A Room, podiums in a circle, the students were confused. then they see Megami's portrait on a stand, in the room, with a pink X on it. Monokuma told the students to go to the Podium that corresponds with our Monopad Number. Nozomu was next to Kagebi and Tsuyan. She looked around. Then she knew by Monokuma's Tone. The Trial has started.

Monokuma: Lets Begin with a simple explanation of the class trial. So, your votes can determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I will punish everyone *besides the blackend, and the one that decieved everyone will graduate!

Usagi: And The killer is one of us?

Yoi: L-Like for sure?

Warui: Y-YEAH!?! How do we not know your trying to frame someone here?!?

Monokuma: Of Course~ I'd never break the rules just to let one of you SNOT NOSED, HOPE INFECTIOUS BRATS Die~!

Nozomu:... Real Heart warming

Kirade: So..... Where do we start?

Nozomu: Before we start.. I'd just like to clarify...

Monokuma: ..... Hmm?

Nozomu: Whats going on.. with the picture of Megami?

Monokuma: I feel awful if she missed a class trial because they died. so now here they can watch from beyond the grave~

Usagi: Creepy

Teitsumi: Cool~

Monokuma: Now then, Moving on, First up is the case Summary. Now Let the Class trial, BEGIN~!

-Argument 1-

Kagebi: Well We know that Megami is the Victim, She was killed in the closet

Yoi: Yeah, There was blood Everywhere!

Usagi: Why are we messing Around? We all Know Kagebi did it

Ramuji: Yeah, Im still on the Fence about it. He Was the last person that talked to her before she stormed out.

Kagebi: Why would I attack her after if she made a big enough seen?!

Usagi: To get out of here as fast as you can! It's your goal to do that anyways!

Nozomu: Even so, is there any evidence that Kagebi could have done it?

Kirade: The Knife at the crime scene?

Tsuyan: Yeah? That knife is bloody

Yoi: Exactly! Kagebi could have easily grabbed the knife while no one was looking, sneaked out and killed Megami when she wasn't looking!

Nozomu: !!! NO THAT'S WRONG!

-End of Argument-

Yoi:.. Wrong? How in the heck is that Wrong?!

Nozomu: Because, There is no way, because Tsuyan and Kuzato had kept an eye on him the whole time right after that stunt!

Kuzato: Yeah, she is right.

Tsuyan: I made sure to keep an eye on him. As Ultimate Junior Headmaster , I knew he was a simple threat after that outburst he had with Megami.

Kuzato: He didn't leave our sight till after the party. then he went straight to his dorm room.

Tsuyoi:... what if he didn't go straight to his dorm?

Nozomu: ??? Huh?

Tsuyoi: What if he his as soon as he was out of sight, he waited for all of us to go to bed, sneak to Megami's room, ask for her help, then took her to the closet, told her to stay put, go to the kitchen, come back!! Then stab her when she wasn't expecting it!

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