Chapter 2: Class Trial

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As soon as they got off the elevator, they went into the trial room, Warui's and Ramuji's Portrait was the difference.. although Warui's was different, it was blank and at the wrong spot, It was in Yoi's Podium. "Monokuma? I think you made a mistake Monokuma, Yoi stands there" Kirade said. Monokuma sighed. "Oh well Im too lazy~" Monokuma said. Yoi sighed. "Its my sis's bad luck as to my misfortunes... but that doesn't mean that its the end! My GOOD luck will solve her killer! I can get justice for her!!" Yoi yelled. Getting to her sister's podium.

Monokuma then banged the gavel on his chair, it was time to start the trial.

Monokuma: Lets Begin with a simple explanation of the class trial. So, your votes can determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunit" then they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I will punish everyone *besides the blackend, and the one that deceived everyone will graduate!

Usagi: And you're SURE it was one of Us?.. I have a really hard time believing this wasn't your dirty work

Monokuma: A bears word is his honor, I didn't do it.

Dansei: Of Course you didn't

Tsukuba: So guys~! Lets find out who killed Warui.

Kuzato: Any clues?

Nozomu: There was a Water bottle and a Pillow in her room, along with a binder clip.

Kirade: While i don't see a way to kill someone with a binder clip without losing it, I Can imagine a Water bottle being the weapon, or a pillow being the weapon.

Kagebi: ... Question is, Which.

Mokki:... Was there anything suspicious about either?

Nozomu: Y-Yeah, First the Water bottle and it's leftover context smelled strongly of Chlorine, also  the substance matched the smell of the liquid coming out of Warui's mouth. Thats what I know. Then The pillow, it was across the room so it obviously was out of place, it should be on Warui's bed. 

Mokki:... I see... I see 2 possibilities


Kuzato:... Explain?

Mokki: I see 2 possibilities. Both have some problems. A. The Pillow was used to smother Warui in her sleep. But that doesn't Explain why her mouth was full of this liquid that smelled like Chlorine... and Option B. The Killer used the Water bottle and forced Warui to Drink it and choke on it, killing her. But that doesn't explain why the pillow was across the room

Nozomu: I mean...

Tsuyoi:... No that not right...

Mokki: ?!?! .... What do you mean?

Tsuyoi: Okay Hear me out... what if there was a third option?

Mokki: A Third option? What do you mean?

Tsuyoi: I mean.... What if... Wahat if Warui got murdered by the Pillow and the Water Bottle?

Mokki: !!!!!!!

Nozomu:.... //What??//

Tsuyoi: I mean.. Option C. The Murder first used the pillow to knock out Warui and used the Water bottle and it's contents to choke her? maybe even using the pillow again while she was choking to make sure that there was no way Warui could survive.

Nozomu:... !! Y-Yeah! That's very possible

Kirade: Yeah! Im sure it is an Option

Usagi: I disagree. 

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